Any where in the north east I can send dabs to to be tested if I’m not a licensed extractor?
what state?
Mass or maine
As a Canadian, I tried to get the government to ensure there was a testing system for consumers, but the regulators ignored me.
Mass you got Pro Verde in Milford and MCR Labs in Framingham
Maine you have Tested Labs in Kennebunk
And they won’t ask for a license or anything like that?
Depending on the test, some states allow you to do R&D tests which are unable to be used in product compliance.
Tell em it’s “hemp” and u wanna make sure it’s not hot. Lol the test will reveal it’s the HOTTEST “Hemp” they’ve ever tested lol
Sometimes they will ask for your hemp license #
If you’re going to go that route there’s multiple labs who don’t require a license. But I suggest using one that is not in your immediate area as they could be rubbed the wrong way by you testing your cannabis extract as hemp. There will be no joint-state investigation for your couple grams of oil. I will say I’ve never heard of that happening but if you want to be on the safe side that’s my 2 cents. I feel like they just wouldn’t test your oil again. It’s ridiculous to need a license for analytics imo but I get it.
Then sounds like definitely don’t tell em it’s hemp lol
Make friends with the ppl here , I’ve done it like that before there’s definitely ppl here that will test stuff for u as themselves as long as ur paying…getting it to them can get tricky if ur not in person though.
Test can get expensive though esp full panel, residual solvet potency and terp test each are different test. So it needs to be worth it for u and not just to cure ur curiosity
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tested labs is the most relaxed
proverde you need ID on file
You could always test it yourself…
what you need it tested for?
If you want THCA levels via GC you’re going to have to add processing steps…
is there a way to send a sample into a lab, and maybe have it pre diluted in solvent maybe?
or as others have said, its just “really really” hot CBD haha
200mg plant sample in 40ml hemp seed oil is without a doubt a hemp product…
Maybe if you work with the lab you’re sending it too. I feel like that might be a tough thing to get them to do though
Just send it into any lab really. Unless you’re getting crack rocks tested most labs honestly don’t give a shit, they’ll just send you back the results as per their job. I’d do a bit of research on WHO you send it to though as results vary all over the place between labs.
Those labs exist on the basis of harm reduction and safety, I don’t think they’d care what side of the fence it came on if it’s helping to be totally honest. Unless you’re backing a u-haul full of ‘testing material’ to their loading dock I don’t think you’ll have any issues.