How to get the dabs you bought tested from a third party

Most Michigan labs will test for any registered patient or caregiver. Not aware of any that do Rec testing for any ole Tom, dick, or harry tho.


so big corporations made it impossible for anyone on the east coast to sell recreational besides them and also made it impossible for recreational consumers to test their product wether it’s bud or dabs?.. good thing big corporations are known for being so honest and moral driven. I’m sure they would never collude with a testing facility or even just out right own it threw a shadow company.

That happens a lot when politicians write the rules. Luckily, in Michigan both med and Rec were passed by voter initiatives.

In OR anyone can get potency tested on hemp or mj products for “personal RnD” as long as you don’t present yourself as a licensee, no license info needed… Hell you can give a fake name… 100$ and CoA (for information only) within 5 business days.

Keywords are personal and RnD and not licensed. Possibly give that a try by email at an in state testing lab. Or just say it’s hemp but that might rub them the wrong way when they realize you straight up lied to them.