Looking for someone to explain in depth
The effects of HHC/HHCO the various deltas and cbns effects and the entourage effects or counter effects of these things
Thank you
Looking for someone to explain in depth
The effects of HHC/HHCO the various deltas and cbns effects and the entourage effects or counter effects of these things
Thank you
neurodiversity & lack of analytics will make any such explanation an exercise in hand waving imo.
we don’t have solid clinical data, and what is actually in any HHC or HHCO cartridge in the wild is still an open question.
this response is common.
…but how do we know what he actually injested?!?
There is a lot of info on here about the various effects of novel cannabinoid mixtures: https://altcannabinoids.network/
Good link!
No idea, it turned purple when I heated it up on a Pyrex so there must have been some cannabinoid in there. Then it smelled strongly like plastic when it was hot.
Like burnt plastic ?
This seems to be the signature smell of the few terpenes obtained by pure cannabinoids breakdown (e.g. upon burning or side reaction during semi-synthesis). It is not a nice smell.
Not a nice taste neither.
My buddy just bought some THCP from the same supplier I got that mystery goo from.
I bet it’s got exactly the same plastic smell… we’ll see soon.
Weird that I’ve never seen anyone else report this same thing.
Is there any information in regards to Cbns effects on delta 9 anxiety ?
To my understanding delta 8 has a very low level of euphoria so I’m wondering what would happen if you ingested it alongside hhc…
It’s interesting to me how little we know about the effects of these Cannabinoids when mixed
it’s horrifying to me how many folks think mixing some shit up and huffing it equates to research…
Its hows all scientific progress is made. The only reason we know anything is because someone just decided they were going to smoke this shit just to see what happens.
scientific progress is made by creating replicable experiment conditions. Mixing a bunch of bs with fake/misleading COAs is not that
evolutionary progress may well have been made in that manner
actual scientific progress requires a smidge more rigor imo.
if in y’all don’t know WTF is in the soup you’re huffing, we done got no clue if that was what killed your ass or not.
we could repeat the huffing of said/dead soup, which might then count as science. so long as someone jotted down who huffed what and when, and how long it took till they dropped dead.
EDIT: see The future of synthetic cannabinoids
that’s how your kid son ends up like Barry Kidston.
just made a new cannabinoid! let’s sell it to all those civilian test subjects… ahem i mean customers.
@doobydanks seems willing to try huffing them…for science.
Dude great link
I’m not going to mix anything up to huff especially considering there’s no empirical data on it
but I saw kingofthekushs and I was interested in how d9 and hhc might work together so it got me thinking about delta 8 and cbn as well considering bret is selling all these cannabinoids
Somebody’s gotta be buying them so what’s wrong with trying to learn more ?
Turns out kotk’s edibles are only 1 Cannabinoid
There’s nothing wrong with trying to learn more but to take that drug without any knowledge and wholesale it is definitely not ok. Just waiting for the moment one of these isomers turns out to be an insanely potent CNS depressant that just shuts down our entire system in, like, 2 hours (if a regular D9 dose were consumed), and the person who made it didn’t even test it on themselves n just wholesales it, and a month later you got 1000 people dead on the news or something. Obviously that’s a super exaggerated nightmare scenario, but people handling drugs and viruses and things that affect the human body should be thinking of things in this way, imo.
The mindset shouldn’t be “OH FUCK. I invested all my money in HEMP to make CBD and ONLY CBD, so now I have to CONVERT IT to appeal to the recreational crowd and MAKE MONEY!!! WHAT OTHER THINGS CAN I CONVERT THIS INTO THAT GETS ME HIGH???”
Like, if you’re in hemp, you’ve failed by go directly to CBD. CBD and the cannabinoids should be a byproduct from your hemp processing. Hemp is so versatile in the way it can support our society yet every single hemp company, only processes CBD and put themselves in this situation to lose money and feel the need to convert it into new chemicals to eat the loss. Whole CBD industry is just greedy and taking advantage of people. How cheap is CBD for us wholesale, yet it’s still $60 a g for the customer? CBD industry was never about helping the customer or it’s medicinal value, you just want money.
Hemp industry could be using hectares of hemp to make textiles, paper, apparently can be made into bricks for construction too, the by product and plastics from distillation could be used to make trash bags and bottles and whatnot, and can still be processed into the cannabinoids we know and love. But greed and power rot the brain, and CBD boys only got money on the mind. Show me the companies actually trying to make a difference with hemp and not just discover the next isomer to charge $20k a kg on.
Honestly the people selling d8 and converted d9 piss me off but they are going to continue regardless and now I logged in after a couple of months and hhc is being sold I made this post because I was curious what the benefits of selling more RCs on this forum was and seeing what cyclopath mentioned about neurodiversity was the nail in the coffin for me