It’s the best solution to the problem.
Thank you…yes I have run into both pale yellow and reds
(Perhaps acid catalyzed ) with the d9 in purified states.
Purples with the CBD rescorcinols …the purple fuckup in water processing of course…far more prevalent.
KOK thanks…all makes sense. Perhaps the d9 oxidation to The d9THCQ is two step with a Semiquinone intermediate…thus the yellow to red two step….
This is total speculation…perhaps some one more knowledgeable might comment.
Never thought to weigh it to see how decarbed it is. Smart. Thanks. Been giving decarbed diamonds and 5% CDT to cancer patients. They come back lol.
I finally broke a media bottle w the microwave a few months ago on some fully crystallized CBN wasnt pleasant.
This is 100% accurate
The proof is when i made thc o acetate and it lightened the distillate used from red to yellow
Heres the test for it by ms too
1000mg/g as tested by kca
I also mentioned the semiquinone intermediate but not by name
uh huh…. except for the part where that was aimed @globtek33
Or are you also pedaling an isolate producing thingumajig?
That video (with the sound off) looked to me to be a solid start for OP.
@Mresearch: with the caveat that headspace is important, and glass often makes for a lousy pressure vessel.
See: for discussion.
Decarb for carts question - #24 by 406_Chemabis for maths
And Be careful what you turn into a pressure vessel. for general advice on constructing your gernades
XD this is turning into a
What is making my product this color?
Broken glass and cbn is a pita…
Claims that colorless distillates are purer than those that are colored may or may not be true. For example, a colorless substance may contaminate a distillate thereby rendering it impure.
Our ability to observe color in a substance or mixture of substances is due to the absorption of light in the visible region by one or more of its components. For example, examination of the absorption spectra of both D8-THC and D9-THC reveals that they have no absorption in the visible range (above 400 nm). Therefore, a sample of pure D8-THC or pure D9-THC is colorless as are mixtures of the two.
However, the presence of small amounts of substances that absorb light in the visible range can impart color to colorless substances even when present at low concentrations. The absorptivity (molar absorption coefficient) of a substance is a measure of how strongly a chemical species absorbs light at a given wavelength and is an inherent property of the chemical. Since the absorptivities of some impurities of the cannabinoids (in particular, oxidation products like the quinones) are very high, small quantities of these chemicals in otherwise colorless substances can impart color that is visible to the unaided eye. On the other hand, contamination of a mixture with an impurity that does not absorb in the visible region or that has a low absorptivity in the visible region may not impart any color to the mixture. For these reasons, the color of a distillate is not a reliable indicator of its purity.
Purple is sexier anyways.
I just decarb @230F for 7-9 hours depending on if your using agitation or not.
Edit- Start out at 250F for the first 2 hours or so. Also reintroducing cannabis derived terps @5-7% helps keep any residual THCA from crashing back out after the decarb.
Lmfao decarbing thca isn’t liquid diamonds that’s just regular d9 thc… how the heck are people managing to claim that legally?
Zero regulations, but it’s not exactly a lie, so morally it’s defensible in some circles.
We have to keep in mind that the market is terribly uneducated as to how cannabis extracts are made so it’s an easy shortcut and decent marketing to call it liquid diamonds.
It’s just marketing terms, most know it’s just d9.
When the cannabis was harvested, it tested at 0.29% THC, so it was hemp. Making the thca isolate derived from it also “hemp”, decarb those diamonds, and magically, it’s still hemp derived…
Total horse shit, but… that’s the logic
what did you think ‘Liquid diamonds’ was?
it’s just a marketing term for just that, decarb’ed THCa.
THCa “diamonds” in liquid form.
When you smoke thca doesnt it decarb into “regular” d9 thc anyways?
The fact people can’t get the d9thca to d9thc concept in there heads… Is at this point, annoying. We really need a way to mass educate.
It’s just that the legal system in America has created these ridiculous terms.
Education is fine people know the difference, and there’s no point in educating people on these temporary silly terms from the current legal market, they’ll go away soon enough.
Of course lol, I just mean it make no sense to call d9 thc “diamond” anything as it’s fully a liquid and cant solidify into a diamond again.
It’s out of desperation and mass adoption. If the whole pack does it they can’t go after everyone. But it’s working for now and I like cheap prices. Playing by the rules in this field implies playing by the rules that aren’t made yet.