GLG certification

Cleetus slamming the bottle absolutely affects the taste of the sandwich

Ask a sad and unhappy person to make you literally anything, ask an uninspired and uneducated, unmotivated employee to perform a task that nets you, the business owner, a product-, then compare that product to one made by an employee who wants to be doing what they are doing

The employees who go out and seek education, who seek out higher standards for themselves and attain certification from peers in their fields of interest-

They will always, always outperform the people who are performing work out of desperation and a need to survive.


Always :call_me_hand:t3:

The GLG and the GLGc are two separate entities.

The GLG will continue doing what it always has, providing far more cost savings potential than the membership cost, along with throwing professional networking events all over the country.


Every organization has its failures

I would seriously consider not using confusing acronyms if they are to be considered to be two seperate entities

That’s like saying Philip Morris and Philip Morris university of tobacco are two completely seperate entities.

Yes on paper in a legal sense you may be right… but come on.


Sorry It gets confusing as to what’s what.

I don’t mean to knock your hustle, I know you have mouths to feed and tractor payments to make. God speed in your quest to monetize all this


They are designed to be similar, to impart the reputation the GLG has into the GLGc program.

Legally, on paper, and ownership wise, they are completely separate.

I own all of the GLG, only a little bit of the GLGc

Who owns the GLGc?

My food grows from the ground, for free. And the tractor was paid off in the first year. I have zero debt fam.

Booternooblace, @illnyetheshatterguy, and I

Even better! Spend all this money on tin foil!


Ya that’s her handle.

Why would I do that when I could buy more land to grow more free food for people?


Why buy land when you can steal it from the indigenous and then sell it to a sustainable farmer a century later.

Hey bud, why don’t you put your money where your mouth is and donate your land and all of your worldly possessions to an indigenous family, I’m sure that will make everything in this world better and just.

Wait, you won’t

And no matter how hard you work, your efforts will never atone for the genocide that occurred here, or atone for any of the genocides that have occurred throughout human history

You could use what you have to help the people suffering now though, that might actually be useful.

Also, you likely won’t do that, and everything you’re talking about is a virtue signaling ploy that is failing extremely hard right now

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The purpose of the organic program is to generate income. Nobody does anything for free especially jump thru hoops. The purpose is not to make sure farmers are “in compliance” that is not how the real world works. That’s a narrow minded WOOK way of looking at things.

At the end of the day a specialty certification is to make a product, commodity, food, etc worth more. To act like thrme organic program is designed to regulate how a farmer farms is to be missing the intention behind the process.

That’s what were talking about here is making an additional certification above our state or in my case federal licensing which will be available to make extracts worth more money. @future correct me if im wrong. It might not make it worth a lot more, but it better make sense on the bottom line or it wont mean squat.

The way you justify the increased price to the consumer is you “educate them” which in this case means you tell the consumer they may be consuming CRC filter media.
Now we need to create new methods, testing, etc and implement them in such a way that a producer has to meet certain criteria AND pay$$$ to be able to say their certified

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I just don’t get the hate. So many people have benefitted from the forum and the gang. I don’t get the negativity. Explain it to me when we see each other . . . tomorrow . . . at the event sponsored by the Good Life Gang. :heart:



The post of yours that was flagged was about tweekers and hos, directed at Rowan. Had nothing to do with anything in this post


What reputation does the GLG have besides being an organized group consuming the same types of products? Those discounts offered are pretty easy to negotiate yourself as well if you have the ability to speak into the phone without sounding like a complete idiot. So I guess the networking is the main value :man_shrugging:

I get the idea - I think the GLG is a bad choice for a name. Good Manufacturing Practices sounds good and concise. Make it sound more official.

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