GLG certification

Ya I was recruited to be a cop when I was 18, they said go start smoking weed and work your way all the way up to the very top weed King Pin. We don’t care how long it takes, we don’t care about any of the little guys, we just want the one single guy at the top.

Here I am, 12 years later, on the low to middle rung of the cannabis hierarchical scheme, still desperately trying to find that number 1 guy at the top


At least your honest about it.
(I can’t find italics)


“I used to be a cop, I still am, but I used to be as well”


I was trying to do the same thing, but it’s ultimately my wife who is in charge of everything.


a guy i knew that owned a MMJ clinic in my town turned informant for te FBI and gave them access to all his patient records to list grows

he didnt have to start at 18, he just had to get caught and flip one time out of the thousand deals he made

its not as infrequent as you would think

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jeff bezos is behind all this…the world is flat…lol


The I at the top of the Text box, or an asteric at the front and back of a block of words


@qma claims to know where that one came from but no, not I.

@Soxhlet my point is that the people claiming that the GLG might be responsible for the actions of those who take the course are approaching the entire concept from a paranoid and unreasonably illogical perspective that begins to approach the schizophrenic levels of paranoia evidenced in other clearly irrational posters mindsets.

I think that worrying about these things are equally invalid and I’m using hyperbole to argue that opinion, as i am apt to do as I find hyperbole to be a good balance between effective and comedic, my character contrasts with the people on the thread playing more of the “straight man” routine and I don’t mind clowning around in order to drive a point home.



Or like forcing the clinically depressed subway employees to hold food handler cards so they, at the very very least, don’t kill someone with those depression sandwiches

You ever seen someone make a sandwich so fucking angrily?

Subway takes the cake

Fuck slam that mayonnaise bottle on the cutting board like it’s the newborn you wish you had the money to pay to abort across state lines because your state government is run by pseudo-religious tyrannical zombies… yeah I want those people to be atleast educated enough not to murder my customers- we can start with making sure our industry is held to a higher standard and then maybe help cleetus the subway kid on the way?

Maybe he just needs to be able to afford to smoke some quality weed, that might be a step in the right direction.

Speaking of subway … y’all saw they sued that dispensary?

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Those are words, not sure if they mean anything though…???

Why don’t you go write some transcendentalist literature, that crap is wordy enough.



@Soxhlet i know you’re not a cop, you don’t need to act like you can’t read just to keep us in suspense though.

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those food handler cards are provided by state health agencies

a far cry from wooks vouching for wooks to HR and owners

one could argue the mishandling of the verified consultant program by its members and founders should preclude that group of folks from certifying anything ever again. and if they do it should be treated with the 10,000 grains of salt it deserves.

While there are some smart and wise people on here I don’t think anyone has the right to compare their side hustle to organizations like OSHA, that’s either hubris or delusion or a sales pitch.


The most reputable certification agency known to man

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Cleetus needs to find his own happiness, same with all of us.
So what he slammed the bottle, did if effect the taste of the sandwich?
Just tell cleetus, “thanks for the sandwich, it looks good” That can go a long way in boosting morale.

Am I missing something here?


I don’t think @Future is trying to continue the verified consultant saga any more than any of the rest of us are.

The point is to offer some comprehensive standards and a baseline for what should be expected

It’s like culinary school, lots of people don’t need it cause it’s not hard to get a job in a place and learn and work hard, apprenticeship style

But until escoffier codified the system of the brigade kitchen, there was no system, and therefore there really was no industry.

@Future wants to be the Escoffier of the cannabis industry and I think that’s fucking rad


id place them a few rungs higher than the glg, or at least the people you need to convince of the validity of your training program would

but i dont have access to all the tin foil hat shit you read so im probably a bit out of the loop

i just got vaxxed yesterday so this is probably just the 5g talking


Ah yes, state sponsored fever dreams must be taking hold right about now.


So law review posted by a respected law school is

And you blindly trust the health department because you are unwilling to educate yourself on the fact that they have a long history of fucking up, causing people to die, and have legal immunity.

When a handful of the Verified Consultants fucked up, we admitted the program didn’t have enough accountability, and shut it down.

Now we have a different approach, that has nothing to do with consulting, with some of those previous downfalls in mind.

If you don’t like that, don’t participate.


@Future Yes Please !?!?!?! Hahahaha this is all VERRY exciting for you and the community. I was planning on signing up lifetime GLG before this news now I’m just hoping there’s room for me hahahaha