Fraction Finder Reviews

@spdking I tried reading all the long winded explanations of “this is how our device is a UV detector”. Yeah sure the average layman starting in cannabis processing wont have an easy time building one but dude really? Do you truly and really believe that UV detection technology is actually that hard to develop and apply? Yeah I agree the cost of buying individual detectors is expensive and better bought in bulk but sweet jesus you seem to love convincing amateur and intermediate technicians that they need to drop $4000 to “know when they’re pulling heads, mids, tails, and other crap”. Theres a reason all the major materials processing equipment makers don’t put UV detectors on molecular distillation units meant for this kind of work. Because it’s super, duper, unneccasry.

You’re not going to separate THC, CBC, CBD, etc on a still body SPD. Maybe you can separate fractions of different ratios but knowing the rough concentration passing to your distribution head is pointless IMO.

Fats and other “fools gold”? That’s just a sign of poor sample prep and means the technician needs more knowledge on how to prepare their feedstock.

You do not, and I mean absolutely DO NOT, need a UV detector to conduct high purity distillation. I ain’t shitting on you bud, so don’t bother threatening me with an ludicrous law suit.

Is your Fraction Finder and software a good product, yes it is. But seriously guy, cut the shit with peddling totally unnecessary ancillary tools best suited for research on those who don’t know any better.

I always avoid making comments on you in this forum, you can see plenty of evidence of that. However, I’m not sure what you’re doing on here? You pretty much only post on threads about your gear, you almost NEVER post anything that adds knowledge to the community to use. You constantly threaten @Future and say “I’m not participating here ever again” like a fucking child, and yet you continue to show up. You then try to parade your gear as “novel” which the majority of it is not at all, at best you have found several “pseudo-novel” ways to combine old technology. Good for you, here is a pat on the back.

I have wanted to buy your equipment several times, mostly for the glass, and would have given your business plenty of money, and I never plan to. You know why? Not because you act like a child who is completely unfit to run a company, but because of the way you carry yourself as a supposed “scientific equipment developer”. You only live to shit on and mislead those who are here to learn, and bitch at people who don’t like you. Start adding value to the community that is not just equipment, start acting like an adult, and maybe…just maybe…people might actually start to listen to you.


Definition of novel: new and not resembling something formerly known or used.


Aaaaand /thread


Autistic screeching intensifies


Makes me laugh too; When about 3/4 of the industries equipment has been around for decades and is literally just repurposed for cannabis.

Like the hvac recovery tanks, rotovaps, spds, any form of distillation. Recovery pumps that can pull butane and hydrocarbons have existed for a long ass time. Most of the cls stuff can be found for brewery. Most the ethanol extraction stuff can be found for brewery. It’s just stainless and glass shit that’s used for a certain application. …


Not to start another argument about how illegitimate IP laws are in the first place, but this is exactly what was supposed to be the purpose of said laws. To protect truly novel inventions. Not to be abused in order to maintain a monopoly on improved mouse traps with frivolous lawsuits. :roll_eyes:

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I’ve already seen first hand folks from biotech and pharma try to green tax the industry, taking advantage of the less informed and often persecuted people selling them old tech with a pot leaf on it claiming to be a miracle tool that “you too can have for just a low price of…”

It’s sad to see folks from the industry its self try and play that game.


Here is the product page. Can’t find any documentation. That isn’t a good sign.

But it has a vacuum gauge, and two temperature probe connections.,h:1200


all on a rpi, gotta love pi!


Can anyone take a close up picture of the fraction finder sensor and post it here?

I am wondering how the led and sensor are oriented. Some stuff I saw says 90 degrees is ideal.

it looks like red is used on both of the FF and Davinci sensor area.

Is there any mention of open source software in the Fraction Finder documentation? I can’t find it online.

Is there documentation that comes with the fraction finder that isn’t available online?

If they are using any GPL software there are documentation requirements.


The ff doesn’t have any led in it. I’m sorry.

If the product has led lights in it. It’s most likely colorometry. Wich is clearly what people are trying to do. It’s not fraction finding. And colorometry doesn’t work. It doesn’t identify anything in process or stream. Just shows density and blockage of desired light signal.

In about a year or two of tinkering maybe you’ll figure it out. My tip to you is, you aren’t looking for leds and the exact angle of the sensor actually does matter and it’s not 90 degrees.


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Sorry, the UV light source then.

If it was that easy you could just walk in and buy it in the store, but that perticular part isn’t available that easily. It’s also not a UV light.

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I bought two for one at home depot… $25.99

I guess this is the path I am starting down

It just ordered some 365nm LEDs the other day because that is what the fraction finder has as the reference peak.

It doesn’t really matter if it take a year or two. I’m not trying to make a product, and no one is paying me. It’s mostly just for learning. Even if it never works I’ll learn in the process. A diy fraction finder will never compete with a real product.


Hey bro… Elliot says you should give up…Lol :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


You are getting closer. It actually excites me to see people try this. And I applaud anyone who actually does. It’s absolutely one of the more difficult advancements in the industry anyone has seen. And it’s absolutely challenging to do. This is why fraction finder is a key component being utilized across the board with different machines. When I drove the financial and burdensome development I actually had a thought every once and a while that I would fail at both bringing this to market and creating a functional device. I have a wonderful set of team mates who attacked these principle short comings with absolutely phenominal work dedication and solution driven applications over and over when failure seemed easy pushing through was the only option. Summit had to be first and I made sure even as much as it hurt me, I dedicated everything I had to it’s success.


yeah right!
so how are you generating your UV?

which is almost certainly an LED!! because your other choices are expensive and short lived tungsten or deuterium lamps.

what does that $25k HPLC use as a detector?
a DAD.

what does that stand for?
Diode Arrary Detector.

what are those UV emitting diodes?
&^%@&!^%#(!$&)(*!&@$#) LEDs!!




&^%@&!^%#(!$&)(*!&@$#) LEDs!!
