Smokenol patent. What is it?

for me at least, inactives are never ‘desirable’


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I think it is possible, the mechanisms of the entourage effect are not completely known and yet there is data showing it does happen, so it very well could be similar in this case.

I also think they are unsure of what this compound is, if they were, I speculate they would have just patented that instead. Though this patent would be a broader way to block competition from the easiest method of making it. Who knows.

People have been combusting and inhaling cannabis forever, I am not really concerned with that part of it.

Overall I am skeptical. I think the major component of the high differences is the metabolite and that is still being created. Maybe it is modulated, but to what degree? That is what will be shown anecdotally by consumers. If this really works, there is a great market waiting for them!


How hot does it need to be to let the magic smoke out?

(Another reason for Teaching an hplc to smoke dope?)


Fucking semantics guys, sorry, but I saw this multiple times and it bugged me.


It’s a cross between semantics and cymatics…where autistic screeching meets rationalization of terminology


No that wasn’t her

My bad, should have checked before posting.

Lol yea let’s see you take some distillate which has no water in it and dehydrate it and make cbn. You wouldn’t be dehydrating it. Oxygen would be causing oxidation which still isn’t dehydration if anything it’s DEHYDROGENATION or an OXIDATION reaction.

Don’t you find it funny a PhD is talking about something that she’s not even using the correct terms for?

I agree, especially if you’re going to try and be a teacher teach people the CORRECT term. She’s a fucking PhD I’m sure she took basic chemistry classes and knows the difference between the two

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Combustion always produces co2 and h2o. Always. These come from the fuel, and although a redox reaction it is still infact dehydrating the fuel.

Combustion also causes dehydrogenative polymerization.

Smokenol is based on the combustion reaction. Arguing these side reactions is semantics and you trying to insult her intelligence because of it is hilarious… I’ll let you get back to your RO filters.


We’re not talking about combustion were talking about dehydrating something. Like I said please take some thc distillate and dehydrate it and show me how you make cbn. You can’t and won’t.

We’re not talking about smokenol either. We’re talking about how cbn is formed and in the post above she mentions nothing about smokenol she’s trying to educate people using the wrong terminology. Combustion isn’t going to produce cbn without oxygen because combustion isn’t what makes it.

I’m sorry you want to try and claim symantics when chemistry has defined terms for both.


Direct quote

“2.1.3 Cannabinol (CBN) Cannabinol is an oxidized metabolite of THC [38]”

Dude you’re literally a dumbass. I’m glad other people are calling you out now days.

I told you this like a year ago.

Take some REAL chemistry classes at your local community college.

I can’t believe you don’t understand this concept lmfao.
You look real dumb discrediting someone with their doctorate.


Your not looking at any byproducts with the simple Google searches for a decarb reaction.

If you had college Ochem education you could draw the reaction out yourself and see how the CO2 is produced in it, as well as other released byproducts lmfao.

I learned this senior year in high-school, while you probably chose to get high your senior year of high school :rofl:
He’ll you could see what percent of weight of byproducts are produced per input weight pre-decarb.

The fact you don’t understand how to draw a chemical equation yourself should be enough to show everyone you’re discrediting your own knowledge capabilities.

Lol you’re so funny bro

How can you prevent cbn from forming when you decarb?!

Do it under vacuum

Youre literally trying to stir up shit for nothing

As stated above

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LEO says GER


@vortal another thing I’d like to point out is the fact dehydration by definition is the loss of a water molecule FROM THE REACTING MOLECULE

Forming water during a reaction isn’t dehydrating something by chemistries definition unless it comes the reacting molecule itself

So please show me where you pull an oxygen and 2 hydrogen molecules on thc to make water :joy:

Can’t fix stupid man.

Sorry I tried for years to help you, but your too arrogant to even take constructive criticism.


Lol you can’t even come up with a good reply

Must have stumped you again

Go ahead and argue with people who wrote the book on cannabinoids and are way smarter then the “doctorate” PhD above

I’m sorry but I doubt you could even make cbn from cbd. You’re really not as smart as you claim to be you just try and put people down to make yourself feel better because you have no self esteem.

@Kingofthekush420 @vortal @Cannachem

Let it go please


and all this time i was just throwing away the resin in my dirty bowls

interesting product i remember seeing it a while back, not sure why theres so much hate about it, they developed novel IP, let them have it, let the market speak. We will see if they are still around in a few years, that’ll say everything.

still interested in seeing quantitative analysis of components within the material, might be some interesting stuff in there, might also be some cancer :man_shrugging:


Let his unintelligence go?

I can run circles around this idiot, literally and metaphorically.

No time to enjoy his idiocism tonight, though.
I have some work to get done.