Yea spectroscopy isn’t new. Beer-Lambert Law established quite a long tome ago Standalone UV/Vis spectrophotometers have existed for decades now . Chromatography such as HpLC or prep-chromatography (flash) has used some detection hardware, such as uv-vis dector for a long time. Chemists have been doing this stuff for a long time. None of it is especially unique to cannabis or is reinventing the wheel. The lock out software is cute - makes me giggle so many in this industry really believe they’ve got this esoteric knowledge that needs to be protected
Please and thank you
I’ve come across these things in other folks rigs, its quite a cool device and as a big chroma nerd i think their neat. As future said more data is never bad…if you have the cash and it’s worth it to you.
However, I think it’s a lot of money to drop that is often spent by the less experienced to try and substitute for practice, education (self or formal), and patience. I would gladly teach someone what they need to know to not use one for far less than they cost and I have never considered getting one for SPD (75% of my consults were easily resolved with sample prep, fixing vacuum leaks, correctly sizing pumps, and proper de-vol). Most flash/CPC instruments come with UV detection for LC, it might be interesting to use for a DIY DCVC rig. Theres no substitute for hard work and learning for running high purity distillation.
Is there people who saw increased performance with one running SPD? Sure. Could they have done the same with $50 in used textbooks, some study time, and controlled/documented practice? Absolutely.
At least 1 company i know has plans on bringing their open source, inline cannabinoid detector, to their booth in Vegas
They aren’t a GLG affiliate, yet…
And there’s this
Like I said, the FF is a solid product. Everyone I’ve played with has been sweet, and nobody has anything bad to say about them.
I really wish I could make it out for that, I have some associates attending though.
Are source files publicly available?
Or do they plan on open sourcing it, and if so, when?
I should probably explain what exactly you are seeing.
I will offer a complete refund to anyone who can break into the fraction finder(without ruining it) and a job offer. That’s how confident I am, and if anyone thinks otherwise you are welcome to buy one and try.
The other items on market are colorometry .
If you look closely on the graph you will see the user isn’t distilling properly. The data shows that.
What you are seeing is spikes where the distillate clogged the pipeline where the sensor is…
When the material becomes thick it creates a spike. When the material thins out it creates a drop.
Colorometry doesn’t offer any correllated data. What it’s doing is just blocking or dimming the signal path of the light. You are reflecring the visible light only- hence why the units flash intense light at the flow. If you look closely this is a resemblance of flow rate vs blockage in system. It has zero effectivity with uv identification. It also offers less interpretation than the human eye can see. It cannot judge between fractions at all. As you can see every wavelength is present in the graph.
Fraction finder sees everything visible light cannot see. Hence what you cannot see. The sensors we use are genuine hplc devices and they must be purchased made to order for our uses, and anybody who wants to try this is forced to buy hundreds of them made to order from the manufacturer. There isn’t a valid “open source version” it is solely store bought low grade, low resolution sensors used for like light bulb analysis or such…however I have always been fascinated by anyone who would attempt this feat resolving issues and increasing resolution to useable amounts to determine not only thc, cbd, but all lipids, and multiple fools gold readings etc …
I applaud anyone who tries to make one for themselves. This is not a easy task. However fraction finder has two years of advances and extremely accurate. Here is a example of what fraction finder can do. (Pic posted). The reading here are mute, so don’t ask why they are graphed the same. I will be showing people what these do live in Vegas.
With our Athena software release it takes data from it and will populate a graph every 1-5 minutes of the process with:
And the values when in between those readings to show transitions. With intensity magnification of what you are looking for.
These reading come off as both current live read and predictive graphing to allow user to see what has happened and what will happen. There is nothing on the market like this and it will take anyone years to even catch up if they can. Our advanced “near” ai style software was released last.
The fraction finder required not only development but almost two years of mining data from customers(with thier permission) to extrapolate uv data and actually align it with real UV testing data from actual extracts in half a million dollar UV testing machines. From heads, to body to tails we actually validated the wavelengths prior and then extrapolated data against what ever value we can find to create these features.
Fraction finder is real time. That’s why it shows everything in the stream. However we are able to interpret the data along side the distillation temps, speeds, ramps, vacuum etc…all together to have complete data and to even make changes based on how it runs automatically.
When you hear people talk about thier colorometry sensor and the beer-lambert tech it is a obvious red flag they don’t know what they are talking about and thier product is not even performing to collect the appropriate data.
Anyone who can top out my fraction finder gets a automatic high paid job offer at summit and a refund. If you can impliment better features and provide hardened testing data to validate it, I will offer you a job, benefits, and everything you can ever want. Currently my family and coworkers at @arometrix have accomplished what bodybody else could with my guidance and r&d and requests each time, bring flawless validated technology to a marketplace where it never existed…
Fraction finder was the first, and it most likely will be the last to stand.
I am excited to see everyones first baby step with UV sensors setups if they are making them. I do know that my first steps were messy and took almost a year of mistakes to mop up before I was walking straight with the fraction finder.
My offer stands.
What if I can break into the firmware? I don’t need the hardware.
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33896768 153 files
I’m not interested unless you can get into it, take it, reproduce it on another device. Etc. It’s called hardened.
Anyways. I think you are trolling me to play on words I used with my dry communication skills. I really encouraged a positive motion to offer its benefits and what the ff can do. Posting a image of all this doesn’t exactly show me any skills with what I’ve been discussing.
If you have any more actual questions or in relation to what did does for Athena you are welcome to ask away
so athena is an additional software i need to buy or can you hook me up? All i have is what the FF came with…
I will be supplying Athena on beta for free to previous customers immediately. However you sorta at least need techno-heat to get the programing and ramps and everything like that. Obviously I posted a small snippet of the screen
so could i request a copy even tho i dont have your techno thingy?
i personally think a few of us here can port the FF software to another device. i know @CBNight likes to tinker like i use to in my youth. Ive been bypassing equipment security since i was 13 and hacked my analog cable box to give me PPV channels in the 80s. I dont think there is a device on the market that has been hacked or jailbroken that i havent done as well just to say ive done it. Some people like to read, play crosswords, puzzles, and other things to entertain them. I like to rip apart electronics and make them do what they arent suppose to do.
I know @CBNight is the exact same which is why we are sooo close…dude is like a 15 year younger smarter version of me. id imagine us 2 arent the only ones here either.
i have no desire to do any programming these days but id imagine there are over 10 people here that can code something in python and porting this to another device.
I wouldnt want to test this community to hack something. you might just get what your looking for.
yeah @spdking’s background must not be security. With physical access all attempts to secure whatever are effectively useless.
A chain is only as strong as the weakest link.
In the case of Fraction Finder security, the weak link is the password on the firmware file.
The firmware file is a password protected zip file with a bunch of python scripts, that has the file extension changed to .fff
I plan to have a lite standalone interpreted app soon. Again we are releasing it at Vegas. Around mid Jan I may have a stand alone app for the ff. And yes I will give it to you.