Extracting in Colombia - What if you had to start over how would you do it?

I am posting this here and not in the cannabusiness section as I want to hear from end users and what equipment they would have originally purchased if the could do it all over again. I am having a hard time with consultants wanting to sell me the million dollar system. Again my apologies to the admin in advance.

We would be focusing on CBD production mainly. Medellin Colombia.

To do any sort of meaningful production equipment does one really need to buy to get started. Build a system that works and then you can scale. The objective is to keep cost down and get something working. Keep in mind we can run 24/7 with three shifts a day as labor is cheap.

With this in mind.
Ethanol is very cheap in Colombia.
Would you use a screw press yes/no - vincent press in front of the system?

My initial research has lead me to. (Just chime and tell me how wrong I am please if you feel that way.)

Vincent cp6 press - CP & VP Series Presses | Vincent Corp
Watermark - https://www.mwwatermark.com/industries-and-applications/hemp-cbd-oil-extraction/

I want it to be full spectrum - get all the nasties out but close to organic as possible. I don’t really believe in isolate - From my perspective it is stepped on too much and it losses what God created

Presses squash out chlorophyll.


Butane/propane = craft
Everything else = industrial

Whos gonna make sure these people don’t get hurt or sick? People aren’t dispensable objects. Sounds like you need an operations manager.

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seems like the wrong business model for this city. The CBD business is imploding and that city is pretty famous for other crops. :joy: :rofl: :joy: :rofl:


start with bucket tech, pandas, and a 20 L rotovap or two. get a @david spd setup.

then scale up from there


Nah, the hemp growing and processing industry in the US is imploding. CBD is blowing up. Isolate prices are going to fall a bit longer then explode when supply falls off. About to be a premium time to start shipping biomass South for processing to isolate to import back in


Id use one of these, but I designed them so I’m partial.

What end product(s) do you want to produce? And what market(s) do you want to export to? Start from there and work backwards

i fully disagree with this statement. All this stuff has to sell. Right now the supply is far outgrowing the demand. I dont think the demand will ever cross with the supply. Too many countries are growing it. Too many want to process it. Its gonna be a simple economics discussion.

I was joking about the cocaine crop thing but columbia has THC cannabis and id be investing all my money in that industry. Obviously the demand far outweighs supply in cannabis.


Thank you for your comment.

Ethanol - As it is cheap in Colombia - Scratch the craft
This will require staff, warehouse.

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Ya that was an overzealous “explode”…

Isolate prices might stabilise, after dropping for a while longer :laughing:


Start here

Then check this out

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full spectrum.

As little refinement as possible to keep it true and organic.


About how much for the X model?

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only 200k…ROI in 16.8 Years… joking


International MED import-export is a complete mess right now - and there are only a few select countries that import. Even the largest importing market (Germany) only imported until they got their domestic production online recently. Plus the barrier is much higher than hemp. If you have the cash to prepare for+weather 1-2 years of no revs it’s a great move though.

idk in the next 1-2 years I could see isolate+t free distillate prices rising. Can’t see all these 5-10mg CBD products surviving, the standard dose will definitely increase. And there’s waaay more markets that are unsaturated, you can even sell products in Hong Kong.

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All of these latin American countries need revenue many did not make IMF payments and see Cannabis as taxing opportunity. We are focusing on the CBD market .

I appreciate all of your comments - thank you.

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what do you mean these 5-10 mg products - I am guessing the amount per a bottle presently available is too low for the price it is being sold for?

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Yes 100000%, some products are even labelled to contain “x” amount of cbd and test back at nothing whilst being sold for exorbitant amounts

Colombia has the equivalent of the FDA and that kinda if nonsense won’t fly. For example I would order holle.de powered milk for my newborn from Germany to the US. For the simple reason you would get Jail time for selling a NON ORGANIC product as such. Colombia does not mess around when it comes to product purity and labeling. They too have Jail time for mislabeling products.

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