EtOH Pro or no?

I have a brand new one . Used about 2 times. location ?

Why would you be happier?

As someone who started on a source turbo and considered the pro when looking to scale up capacity.

In my opinion, Rotovap is generally just more useful; not only can you continuously feed it if you set it up correctly, it is suitable for solvent recovery of various temperatures; this may not be the biggest concern initially - it wasn’t for me but it has become one.

For the price of an ETOH pro which arguably is a good machine for its intended purpose (prosumer growers), you can get a 5l rotovap and chiller and have enough money left over for a 5 gallon drum of food grade ethanol! both you’ll find useful in various aspects of the process.

That’s just my opinion as maybe a “prosumer” type consumer.


2L rotovap are $800 on eBay right now

Just hook it up to an aspirator/Venturi vacuum pump, they’re like $50 tops

Chiller can be a $30 fish tank pump in an ice bath.


I saved you $1000


dry ice and 4 lbs of dollar store iodized salt works better . just wait till it stops bubbling and use a water pump with a stainless impeller.

i use 5-7 lbs of d.i. for a full bucket tek run of 3.3L . less than that for a 1,000ml-2,000ml run

the water turns yellow cause of the iodine

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Just read the posts after yours… There’s a more than adequate description on why you would be happier. Plus, you can decarb in a roto also if you’re feeling funky


Not to mention all the crazy ass mods you can to do to a roto. You can direct feed, change out the condenser for a tube-in-shell heat exchanger or add one to the condenser , add a full on dip tube, have a tank or keggle/keg connected to where the recovery flask is.

You can also make it super easy on yourself if you want to do disty runs by being able to transfer your mixtures from a large roto BF to a small adequate size BF that you’re gonna use on a spd. And you can decarb in that small adequate size flask that you’re gonna use for the spd. … I think

Lots of stuff you can do. And you can evaporate different solvents too.


While I participated in beta testing Extract Crafts Turbo vacuum still back in 2016, alas I missed that opportunity when they were beta testing their EtOH Pro unit, so imagine my joy and amazement when I got a shot at testing their production unit.

The opportunity came at a propitious moment, because we no longer have the skunk pharm research lab and it is now a Class B felony locally to extract using LPG outside a licensed and permitted facility.

As a consequence, despite owning BHO extraction equipment, I again joined the ranks of home extractor seeking viable safe legal affordable solutions and reviewed this equipment in that light.

“Is there an advantage to this over a simple countertop still like the Megahome still or a simple DIY pot still?”

“Is this a unit that would serve my needs when serving as my own resource for meds?”

My motivation was my need to extract this year’s C-99/NL harvest, as well as some Canna Gooey material I have been curing in jars since 2017, so I chose the still legal QWET process using 190 proof ethanol and the EtOH Pro allowed me to extract my two material lots in fifteen (15) half gallon runs. A reasonable trial…….


YOU would be happier. not @Capttripppp. if @Capttripppp had a rotovap this week he’d have to sell it.

its the difference between a tool and a toy imo.


Some thoughts when comparing one piece of equipment to another with regard to utility at the margin.

Most toolboxes offer a selection with the function of some of them overlapping. IE: Crescent hammer and screw chisel pry bar.

Professional tool boxes typically offer a greater selection of professional quality dedicated tools than ma and pa’s home box.

Professionals are also typically more skilled in the use of those tools and make every job look easy.

When choosing a tool, we typically select the one intended for the purpose and if we don’t have that, we pick the one offering the greatest utility for the purpose we intend to use it for.

In selecting which tools we can justify/afford to keep in our tool boxes we look at their total utility as it relates to the purposes we intend to use it.

The best tool for a given purpose may not supply the greatest utility, if another tool does multiple functions acceptably or offers other compelling charms.

The fish trap exists only because of the fish and ma and pa’s needs and purpose (fish) are different than an apex extraction lab.

Looking at ethanol recovery, our range of tools includes simple pot stills, refluxing stills, vacuum stills, rotovape, falling film, wiped/rolled/centrifugal thin film, short path, et al, etc.

An apex extraction lab typically has multiple needs, one being dealing with employee skills, training and safety, so work simplification also offers utility in some applications.

Looking at it from your personal perspective, what is the fish you seek?


Tool, and Toy is a great analogy, As well as the toolboxes. What most likely will happen is that you’ll make the mistake of purchasing either product, and then promptly outgrow it. After that happens you’ll pull it out every once in while, or you’ll never pull it out again. Either way you’re going to end up with an anchor (a pretty small and light one). Or you may love it more than your wife? (People are a weird lot!)


Hee, hee, hee, I’ve been running alcohol concentration runs and have 13% wine to 130 proof brandy in one run, 5% beer into 110 proof white lightening in a pass, and got 80 proof vodka to 150 poof in one pass, 170 proof in two, 180 proof in three and 185 proof in four. While many of us have easy access to concentrated ethanol, there are some who do not, so here is an easy avenue for them to provide for their personal needs starting with lower concentrations like vodka.


Kudos to Extract Craft for supplying their EtOH Pro that I used for testing no strings attached.

You have to admire the conviction of a builder who knows me and is still brave enough to hand me the keys to their “Precious” and tell me to run it like I stole it and send back the shards when done.


Did they ask for the unit back?


They told me to keep it as long as I needed for testing and I’m still working on the alcohol from mash tests. So far no manufacturer has had to remind me to honor our agreement to send equipment back.

Having said that, when other team members at SPR originally beta tested the EtOH Pro, Extract Craft did push to get their unit back when test schedules dragged, so I have no reason to expect anything different this time.


Hey I would love to buy one! I don’t know how to dm I made an account just to respond to you so I’m new

I’ll buy!

Like I said you can do more than just etoh in a rotovap and is invaluable.

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But But But… Fine, you’re right…

Hi, I was looking to buy an used Etoh Pro, someone who can help me? Thank you!!