Yes. I have two. I’m going to keep 3. Are you interested? Sorry about the late response. The messages aren’t appearing in my inbox right away…
Hi, do you still have a etoh for sale?
id like to see this little thing in action.
My girl had one of these etoh pros before she passed. They work. Now when I see one Ill always think of her
We 3rd party test everything:)
Yes. Please Private message me? Thanks.
Fucking terrible. Do not buy this. Get rotovap. Trust me.
EtOH Pro or no?
@tetramethylsilane says no
May I buy the ETOH PRO?
Yes , message me
Yes . Message me
Do you still have rotovap for sale ?
Sorry, didn’t see how old the post was
Did you sell the etoh. I am looking for equipment?
For personal use of for commercial production? I wouldn’t recommend it for either, but if it’s for commercial, definitely stay the fuck away and just get a rotovap.
2L rotovap would suffice but imo 5L roto is where it’s at. You can process a full gallon in one.
Just buy a rotovap, you’ll be much happier
Hey there ! I know this message is from aggges ago but do you still have an etOh pro for sale ?