EtOH Pro or no?

Welcome to the future @rafjcap!

Look into buying yourself a small roto vape. You’ll have more users for it, and you can find a small used for about the same price as an turbo, or etoh prop


still got an etoh pro for sale

If they still have a device they put up for sale in 2019, does that suggest to you the device is worth the price of admission?


:man_facepalming:t2: Dammit this made me smile.

Sorry that there are still no pictures in my recovered site, but here is a link to the article about the tests we ran. 16.2.6 Testing the Extract Craft EtOH Pro - GrayWolf's Lair

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I’m gonna assume that 4 years later you sold your EtOH Pro, but if not, I am interested. Can’t find one of these refurbished or used anywhere, does that mean everyone who has one loves it?


That would not be my interpretation, but it certainly seems like a reasonable conclusion to reach if you can’t find one used.

Especially given @Graywolf’s endorsement

It IS a step up from blowing ethanol to atmosphere, even with a retro-vap

…you might benefit from scanning through that entire thread.

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What would your offer be? I barely use mine but it’s handy with a smaller scale operation and rosin pucks.

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