Edibles not working on some people

That was great, I love this place sometimes.


My dude. Morphine solution in water is not of an aggressively solvent nature. Cannabis materials can easily degrade that kind of rubber. 0/10 would not inhale. Maybe acceptable for edible formulations with low concentrations of cannabinoids. But Im good on vaping rubber.

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distillate isn’t an aggressive solvent either, I use glass for terpenes.

William Morton would be proud.
Chase that diethyl ether dragon

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Ether dragon lmao

Just try D8 if d9 doesn’t work. D8 edibles smack for me.

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What? That ain’t BHO

Edit: wierd I just got an email list you posted this recently not 15 days ago.

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Is it weird that I still haven’t tried d8 after all this time and still have no interest? :laughing:


Not really. Its more for those who don’t have access to d9.


Ah yeah that makes sense. Good thing everyone has access to good ol’ THC-a now!


Yes praise hemp Chadz for finally seeing the way

Big ol fuck D8 and synthetics. Respect the science not the fraud.


Never heard of that… Interesting.

Word on the backstreets is that if you dont get high from edibles, is to take a lipase enzyme supplement in conjunction.

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