If your serious I wouldn’t mind processing it for a video, I’ve been looking for a grower willing to send me stuff to process for video and I can send it back to them after for free, we both win in that case as I get more content to film and they get some free processing. If your interested pm me let’s discuss it more.
so it’s still full of alcohol, gotcha
No, I hate idiots trying to pass off garbage to people who don’t know any better, my fellow poors
@HowToWeed I am being serious, on both fronts, I’ll dm you.
Being poor isn’t an excuse for poor quality extracts.
For the quality of that product… is ass… @pdxcanna is 100% correct on the stance he’s taken in his approach here.
He’s being unhelpful and rude but he’s definitely correct.
I’m not passing off anything to anyone, got it, you just hate poor people. No worries I can just ignore your hateful spirit now. I bet you kick homeless people….
a kick would probably do less damage than vaping anything you handed them
It’s suppose to be an ass quality, the people who watch a video on a DIY small scale extraction machine likely won’t have access to quality flower. Not everyone has access to quality flower is what I am getting at, so I also make content for those who only have brickweed. They deserve content too.
That jar I used was a mix of several month to year old buds that were tossed togeather over time, nothing quality.
at least that one isn’t full of solvent
People inhale ethanol on purpose so at least it’s not the worst solvent.
But after the decarb there was definitely no ethanol left in that oil regardless.
Well under 5000 ppm anyways which is “no solvent” according to Canada
We did this in highschool using a plastic nestle water bottle and shot or two of whiskey.
Pour the shot in empty bottle.
Cap it.
Twist the bottle, just as you would to build pressure to shoot the cap off.
Uncap it.
The bottle filled with alcohol vapors, inhale.
I observed the vaporizing with water and was like “lol we gotta put liquor in that”, it worked.
You’d get a weird drunk that went straight to your head lol.
Bruh, ever dabbed 5000ppm?
I fucking puked lol.
I cannot believe they allow for that shit to be sold for 90$/g.
That’s the legal limit for all of them, even butane and propane and shit it’s crazy. At least it was in 2018 I should see if they’ve updated that.
Eww the limit is still 5000 for all solvents
One of the many reasons i said “fuck this, I’ll make my own”.
Ok Yoda
Lmfao I didn’t even catch that now it’s all I can hear is that in Yoda voice
Poor isn’t just money, poor also means poor quality products in their country. Poor as in “that poor fellow”
worse than is usual, expected, or desirable; of a low or inferior standard or quality.
"many people are eating a very poor diet
Lmfao inhaling alcohol vapor. Jesus Christ.
The Internet
Leave it to beaver to have that link bookmarked.
Now guys try that with green dragon vapors.
For science. See if you get crunk.