Edibles not working on some people

If I was in ca I would be all over this.


In my experience people with extremely low body fat struggle to get high from THC in general.


so take the name of the enzyme, go to google scholar, then dig…

you want references or studies? go look…



I’ve eaten 300mg of a friends in-store edibles and felt nothing at all. Where as 80mg of an edible from me and I’m baked.

I’ve eaten a pea size distillate and couldnt rwad the comcast guide on my old 55" plasma tv. And my right arm wouldnt work correctly.

I have a super fast metabolism


seems like your liver can’t manage Converting to 11-hydroxy

we have discussed ways around that…


So when you consume THC, you do not get high of THC. Pretty much all the THC gets converted to 11-OH-THC which gives a different type of high as smoking and is typically considered stronger.

However, other metabolites are also reported. 8a-OH-THC and 8b-THC for example. These have no affinity for the CB1 receptor and are therefore not psychoactive. I believe some folks have a mutation that results in first pass metabolism pretty much destroying all psyhoactivity by converting the THC to 8a and 8bTHC instead of 11-OH-THC.


Mutation carries a stigma :innocent:


I’ve met several who “couldn’t get high” from edibles. Blasted all of them into oblivion with 500mg + doses.


Fair enough. Variation it is.


Edibles only work for me at extremely high doses…

This could be due to my tolerance from years of frequent canna is use lol

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Sometimes this can be caused by medications a person is taking that use the same receptors. Opiates, SSRIs, MAOis and such. For those it may take some effort and for those it is worth the effort because cannabis is a better medication for them than that other crap. I’ve helped a few people through that successfully and some have stopped the meds, even. These folks didn’t have any physical obstacles like enzymes or other digestive issues, just the chemical ones.

Another sometime fix can be to use a different infusion medium. Sugars, alcohol, glycerin use other routes than lipids and they can be quite effective. Maybe not as much 11-hydroxy but it can still be formidible. Just_Cuz_06 (2015_10_01 04_32_03 UTC)


So my scientific R&D team is a group of neuroscientests who have a company of their own called Strain Genie.

It’s basically a DNA/Genetics company for cannabis. You take a swab like 23&Me and get back a 300 page report on your bodies endocannabinoid system. Including which products will work best, if you have any genetic markers that would make some type of products not work as well (IE edibles)

If you’ve already done a swab with one of the big companies you can actually upload you data and get a report back (that’s the cheapest way) don’t know if you will get a solution on how to fix the issue or not but you may be able to identify it



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Edit: I don’t know if it’s worth $199 though… However, I guess you get access to the raw data which can be used at other places as well…


thanks for sharing the link.

Yeah I’m not sure but I think if you already have a swab on file with 23 or ancestory or any of the big dna companies you can just share access and the price drops down considerably

Correct. If you have the raw data, you just upload it to them and go from there

To the OP, in the times I have talked to them about what they identify as the biggest problem with edible efficiency. They have told me some people carry certain enzymes in the liver that block the conversion

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And here boys and girls is what will eventually drive the diy CRISPR in your garage folks to making actual edits: “I wanna get high!”…


hahah oh the irony.

I’m not taking any medications so that’s
not it either. I’ve tried nearly every infusion medium possible as well.

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