Distillate Jar Broken In Transit

What if?
you threw it in a empty crc
Sealed the column and put it in the oven for a few hours to heat it. Then in an open blasting way, add some nitro to the top to push the oil out once its hot and runny
:man_shrugging: just throwing ideas out there


I can see the news headlines already,
“Vape carts found with shards of glass!”

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Not to worry we can blame it on the chinese carts😉


shards of glass in a cart will be the new cut. Kinda looks like thca starting to crash?



It happens to me last year CBD distillate sender couldn’t handle putting the labs in the box! FedEx driver was a police officer. Not a good day


I won’t let this happen haha ill throw it all away before i let that happen

So a 1 micron stainless steel mesh?

1 micron is very small. Average human hair width is 75 micron. Its not exactly a shard at 75 microns. More like dust. Plus with surface tension of the oil youll have a hard time getting it thru by gravity alone at that size. The human digestive tract is more than capable of passing silica at that size. Bone shards in ground meat are much larger and pose no significant threat. And as @Future mentioned vape/combustion will leave it behind.

My team used to use 150mesh to strain the various fuckups that low dollar labor creates. As an aside cheap labor can be very expensive😂



I know this isn’t perfect, but you can freeze it and peel the broken glass off the frozen disty. I’ve don’t it before. You have to brush Lil shards off… if you don’t want to deal with meeting and all that.

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thank you!

@awkwardballer I agree with @Future the glass will sink to the bottom of the container and shouldn’t be a huge problem. Sounds like you have limited equipment and budget and don’t have the means to properly or safely remove solvent. You need a quick fix that doesn’t cost money. Looks like the disty didn’t touch the floor, just broken glass. Any distillate that’s on the floor, scrap that. Put this jar, broken glass and all, into another glass container like a Pyrex dish. Put it on a heat plate on low until it’s all melted and has poured out of the jar. Once the oil is heated, carefully remove the large pieces of broken glass. The little pieces should be settled completely in the bottom. Make sure the distillate is hot enough to be runny and easy to pour. Slowly transfer from the Pyrex dish back into another clean jar, being careful not to pour any glass shards. The glass should stay at the bottom corner of the dish and won’t come out if you pour slowly and the oil is hot enough to flow. I think A micron bag would have no flow, use a metal strainer if you wish, but I wouldn’t worry about the last few drops that have all the glass. Just leave it. Looks like you didn’t lose that many grams into the floor. You should only lose another 2 or so grams in the Pyrex. Worst case any tiny glass that you accidentally transfer will stay at the bottom of the new jar when you fill the carts. Careful when you fill the carts that you look for glass and if you’re giving to someone else, definitely tell them which one might have glass


Ding Ding Ding!

I believe we have a winner folks!

Get it hot & Decant!!

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Get yourself a cart farmer®️ and place a 50 micron screen at the bottom. Keep it hot and you will be good.


Please delete this SIR :rofl::joy:


Wutang is for the children :dancer:


good chuckle

UPDATE: I successfully salvaged the majority of it. I used a 75 micron stainless steel sheet, over a large pyrex glassware in the oven at 150 degrees. I used a heat gun to get as much as possible.




Let’s see what you filtered out

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