Distillate Jar Broken In Transit


what are you using here

Thatā€™s a thick walled vac flask, Buckner funnel, filter paper, and heat gun

Dissolve in ethanol. Strain glass out of itā€¦evap ethanol.(pan and fan method to preserve color) Itll be darker but o well.

Iā€™d put it in another bigger jar to heat it so when that jar falls apart u dont lose anything

btw Iā€™d be contacting my supplier for my time having to fix this, maybe even send it back for another if you just arenā€™t inclined to fix

This is probably not safe for the application heā€™s looking for. Iā€™m willing to be proved wrong but I didnā€™t think it was safe to vape alcohol

if youre spraying edibles then you can use the ethanol/disty mixture at 50/50 nothing will make it thru the fine mist sprayer nozzle

This would solve the need to evap the ethanol (completely) and you could filter it well then as a final filter the nozzle of the sprayer

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Clever though @anon56994712 filtration/application in the same step. By a similar thought he could get a filtered syringe (not sure if they sell them in glass or not) and just fill carts through the filter

Edit: Something like this on a glass luer lock that you could keep hot and flowing with either heat tape or a heat gun


This thread gives me faith in humanity.


Yeah I wouldnā€™t vape alcohol either and never did I say do that.
I said to evaporate the alcohol leaving the oil

Probably still not best idea idk

Sorry just trying to state that i think its indeed very very hard to evaporate enough alcohol using ā€œat homeā€ methods to make it safe to put into cartridges.


Even w heat once its visibly gone

Distillate can be cooked solvent off still if u had too. Low and slow


Yes. In my experience if you test it for residual solvents you will still have a decent amount of alcohol left in your mix on the PPM level. well above what i would consider acceptable for medicine or vapes. Let me see if i can scrape up the old labs idk where they are at now but if i remember correctly the lowest i got it to was still 10000x the acceptable lvls or something crazy like that ( I could be way off its been a while). I was shooting for below LOQ. I used vac ovens, hot plate stirrers, maybe the roto idr but i tried for quite some time and spent lots of moolah on residual solvent testing and ended up at lipid infusion being the safest

Idk If I knew alcohol was in it I would run the temp up to cook out the alcohol. At 212f-250f I doubt it would take long

Iā€™d lose color but I could guarantee solvent was gone

Right? I may be off topic and read just one word

What i am saying is you probably couldnā€™t guarantee all the alcohol was gone especially based off looks. Not trying to be a dick but could you re-read what i typed. Ive done legit testing on this matter before and like i said, in my personal experiences its very hard to actually remove it all. Im also not saying that is the end all be all idk if there are safe at home methods to actually get the product down to acceptable levels. What im saying is in licensed labs with decent equipment at my disposal i was unable to remove enough solvent for my particular set of patients.

Now based of my experiences with that i just like to remind people ā€œcooking off the alcoholā€ at home usually doesnā€™t actually remove ALL of the alcohol. Hence the importance of knowing the final intended use


Purging the etho out will be the problem best to do this with pentane or ethyl ether so he can purge properly

No need to get all crazy fellas. Hop on amazon and buy a piece of ss 75 micron screen and make a funnel put of it. Heat the oil and it will pour thru leaving solid contaminants behind. Couple bucks and some time.

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75 micron can stop small glass shards?

I like the idea.

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i ordered a 1 micron bag, meant for straining glass, ill see where im at after that!

Better get the ss coming too. 1 micron isnt going to flow and unless its ss you cant heat it


Here ill save you a week, a bag with a big ball of disty stuck in it

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