A large of distillate met an unfortunate fate, and was dropped on the floor, cracking the mason jar glass. Is there a way to salvage this?
Scoop up, redistill.
dilute with solvent of choice and filter.
or redistill if it could use some polishing.
I have never distilled in my life
Take it back where you got it and ask if they can help you out?
Does this require distilling? I know little to nothing about distilling. Ive heard straining it through micron bag would work?
You’d want to dissolve it in a solvent first. Get a funnel, some filter paper, and a bottle of ethanol. Dissolve it in the ethanol and just pour it through. You can even get a tiny pump if you want to speed it up. As for removing the ethanol after, that’s your call.
removing ethanol? Wouldn’t i need a rotovap for that?
There’s a lot of ways to remove ethanol. it’s all about budget, how much time you have, and well, how proper you can afford to do it. That’s why I said I’ll leave that part up to you lol
If you’re trying to remove the ethanol down to any reasonable PPM you will more than likely need something other that what you have at home. What’s the final product you’re making with the distillate?
If its destined for topicals maybeee its fine to dilute in MCT and filter then pasturize, however there is inevitably fecal matter and a number of other undesirables on your floor that now contaminate that product.
I’d the them ship in the plastic bottles in the future. Good luck getting it cleaned back up. That’s gotta suck. It sounds like you’ve got my kind of luck.
If i were going to use that product in cartridges or not at all? Personally i would cut my losses and toss it. Not worth someone vaping poop IMO
Thanks for the input.
@awkwardballer show pics. maybe easier to help
Hey it could be worse. Looks like most of it stayed together.
Still unusable in its current state
or an air still. Much cheaper.
For about 300 bucks or so you should be able to get it all back. gimme a min ill give you a shoestring budget list
Would that work properly?