Please Help! Glass jar shattered in transit need to sieve remaining distillate

As the title suggests, i was sent distillate but it arrived in a shattered glass. i was wondering if i heated it up and put it through a stainless steel 0.1mm sieve would that get rid of all the glass and leave me with glass shard free distillate. im a total newbie and tbh cant get my head around any complicated methods so please guys help me out. if you have any suggestions i am more than willing to listen.
BTW its a litre of distillate please help me somebody thank you in advance future 4200 family.

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usually its recommend to dissolve it back in solvent and then run it past a filter and recover the solvent back. straight distillate is going to have a hard time going through a filter.

I would reach back out to the seller and ask for a replacement though as its not your responsibility to fix this. they need to send it in better packaging.


Remedy through them, recover only if necessary.

To recover safely, you have to introduce heat and or solvent. Try to avoid by seeing if they will get you a better container.


What they said…


did you search?

You reckon this has come up before?!?

See: Distillate Jar Broken In Transit

Query was “distillate + glass + broken”…

Here is another exploration of “how do I remove broken glass”: How to turn "Shatter" into diamonds/sauce/distillate/anything I can sell?


im in europe where its not exactly legal and we have no access to the systems and methods available across the pond.
i was thinking of getting a stainless steel medical grade mesh putting it over a pyrex dish with a bow towards the middle. Heat up the distillate, put it through the mesh and put in the oven to melt into the dish.
Whats your thoughts?

Thanks for all your replies so far family.

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why do you always come off so snobby and back handed when people ask questions? sure you have lots of good info but you dont have to be a dink about how you answer someone.

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Maybe because the questions people ask have all been answered before and its annoying to tell literally everyone to search.

He’s also linking multiple answers to the post so hopefully the next person to have this issue is more likely to find the answer quicker if they at least try and search. Hes making this place a easier to search database and you wanna get all upset that it wasnt shared nice enough…

Its pretty much forum 101 to search before making a new thread.


@cyclopath only hands out well salted spoons😂


I would deduce that it’s from the simplicity of the search bar on the very top right of the website, and if you just entered your thread title into the search bar you’d probably have your answer. This saves people from repeating the same answers thread after thread.

The forum is not just a place for discussion, but all of said discussions are now a database of information.


so just say hey try searching for this this and this and youll find the info, dont have to make people feel stupid for asking a question.

When you say that same thing up to 10 times a day it gets old… so people start getting sassy with their repetitive responses. It is however the internet so I’d recommend a thicker skin.


When the portrayal of the situation is you have decided to forego all personal research into the topic to find a solution yourself, and you just ask for us to tell you what to do, there is no value in contributing to that topic, especially when it’s already been discussed one or more times in the past.

The proper way to ask this question and not get a snarky response would have been “I have searched the following topic XXX and this is what I found (elaborate some potential solutions you’ve found). I don’t feel like this (or these) answer would be suitable for my situation. Here is my situation, does anyone have any further advice or suggestions outside of what I have found thus far?”

If you had created this thread showing you’ve at least taken the minimum personal effort to find an answer, it would be much more well received within the community.


this is a place for information sharing not highschool leave the sass at the door but at the end of the day i really dont care i just think its a bad way to give an answer and he does it frequently so maybe thats just how he talks its all good

this times a million…

This isnt facebook or reddit


or just dont give a snarky response and direct them to the proper thread. not everyone visiting this site has been around for as long as others and may not know the etiquette involved so why give attitude when that adds nothing to the conversation

And SPD can work as long as you dont crank it and have access.

ARE there new questions?


Would anyone who stopped to think about for a moment imagine this was one of them?

If not new, then search.
That Helps even OP next time no?
Even showed the work on how to find the motherfucking answer.

Curt is not cunt…

Though you’re certainly free to interpret my responses how ever you like.

Typing this shit with one finger.

Edit: Once upon a time I made my lab notebook into a searchable database rather than pen & paper. It was a game changer. Then almost 10 years later the googles arrived. Understanding HOW to search will change your fucking life. So I take every opportunity to encourage that skill.

Did I call the OP names?

No. I asked “do you think this has come up before?”

Answer should be a resounding “Doh!”

That is in no way shape or form dissing OP. Least not from where I’m sitting. OP is also (hopefully) not the only one who will benefit. From the threads I linked (one of which I created to help others explore glass removal), or the “hmmm, is this a NEW question?”

Feel free to put me on ignore if you don’t like the way the cutlery tastes.


I mean, with all due respect, this is pretty much common etiquette in most situations that arise where you start to have questions.

I don’t know very many people that will go out of their way to hold someone’s hand who hasn’t demonstrated they’ve already put forth some level of effort on their own to solve a problem.

This goes from asking questions on this (and quite frankly any forum I’ve ever been a part of) to problems that come up in day to day life, to problems that arise in a business setting, to any number of other scenarios.

I would say it’s a base level of respect that you create by showing that you have the ability to be (or attempt to be) self-sufficient. I would wager that by not demonstrating any level of individual effort to solve the problem, and expect everyone to repeat answers that are readily available, one might say it is quite insulting to assume our time is less valuable to ourselves than yours is in the time it would take to enter a small string of text into a search bar.


We all were much worse previously, you need thicker skin if you’re gonna stay here.

@cyclopath is the biggest spoon giver on the site, they can either take his advice or not, but he’s probably the most helpful member here.

We all got super fucking tired of answering the same questions over and over and over, so now most regulars don’t even say anything, at least he still helps while chiding people for being lazy.


He’s one of the only ones that still consistently answers and throws links at these basic questions.