Diamond consult

Okay, who’s a reputable diamond consult on here? This whole trial and error thing has gone on long enough


If you give some parameters I may be able to help you dial it in a little bit. What problems are you facing?

No crystalization. My material is fresh, it gets lightly CRC’d with b80–yet when I jar it up with various levels of solvent saturation, and stick it in the oven at 78 for a month, nothing happens

What consistencies are you able to achieve?

Can you make shatter, batter. sugar?

Have you read this thread fully?Only The Strong sauce tek Or this one?Crc diamonds hot jar tek

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I can make a nice batter, and shatter. Have read those both through for the most part, I understand the concept, just can’t seem to get it right

Make shater dissolve in pentane and crash out


Does reducing it down and hitting saturation not get you sugaring out? I’m still dialing my shit in, but doing that usually gets me to some kind of crystallization.

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Have you tried pan tek?
Pryrex pan diamond tech?


Id reach out to Diamondalchemy on here or IG


Hes one of the best in the business.

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I have a few methods for bho single solvent, as well as pentane recrystallization.

$1000 lifetime phone consult available


Basically, I just seal my jars when I think they’re close to “right” and by right, hitting a critical level of saturation. I’m still not great at gauging this. Low enough pressure that they don’t pop the lids out, but still solvent heavy enough to create “enough” pressure to slowly ride supersaturation.

If it’s heavily CRC’d, it’ll crash out easily at room temp. Raising the temp a little bit tends to help me ride that crystallization.

Seeding also is a great help, in my limited experience.

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Lol I’ve tried

lol… ill let him know

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If you can make sugar, you can make diamonds. If you still have some jars you’re trying to crash Id try burping them every other day until you see a reaction. You should at least get to a sugar consistency. You can also try raising the temp on them also. If you want to see what’s working and what’s not just change one variable at a time that way you know what it was that worked.

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Hit up @Apothecary36 he can teach you


Some warmth helps to grow diamonds, you shouldn’t be leaving it at 78f.

Try a higher temperature.

Mmmmm. Did someone need a consult?

Let me know budget and goals and maybe I can direct a solution.