D8 D10 and 99.9% CBN Kilos. Wondering what going rates are currently and if there’s an interest in any of those? Thoughts ?

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It’s hard to make. Chemicals that are hard to make are typically expensive from vendors.


I was already high on grams of d9 when I ate the gram of d8. Didn’t help with any of the pain. Didn’t feel any euphoric experience. Just felt like I normally do.


That being slightly sad and mainly Horny? Hahahaha :heart::heart::heart:


It’s kinda like the cbd regimen I’ve been on for the last 2 weeks or so. The first week I was eating 250mg of cbd distillate a day. Was told I need to double that dose. Been eating now 500mg per day(250 morning/250 night).

Still sleeping like shit. Still experiencing pretty high muscle fatigue from cycling too. Was quite depressed for a few days. Have seen no improvement in my life as a result of cbd testing it out. It’s hot cbd with 3% thc so it’s not isolate.


That’s the point bro. Maybe spin around a bunch and get nauseous then take d8. You’ll feel better.

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Ohhhh. I got a good test for it then.

So do you think this can prevent or help motion sickness???


But what is it? What makes it so sought after??

Probably. I know when administered to children it helped with nausea from chemo

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Do itttttt!

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I spent about a week testing the effectiveness of d8 vs d9 orally with 5+ people 20-30 years of age from heavy smokers to lightweights

It is not nearly as psychoactive as delta9 or if it is you need to double the dose because the LAB TESTED edibles were not as effective as usually. We are talking 100lb female eating a 300mg bar and not really feeling much.


Throw that whole lawyer out lol… Delta 10, Delta 8 their Isomers and Stereoisomers were categorized into the controlled substance act in 1971 by the WHO (World Health Organization)


Ok boss

Refer back to @Kingofthekush420


Yes, it’s very impotent compared to d9 which is why it’s use in the cart market is almost nonexistent.

If it was better, people would be making it from d9 at a much high rate then now.

The fact you need large doses is irrelevant to people in illegal states. If your a kid or even someone who just doesn’t know a guy and knew you could buy something online that’ll get you weed high, you’d likely buy it.

The synthetic cannabinoids remain in use for this reason.

Cbd and hemp are tolerated for the fact they don’t cause any psychoactivity. Once psychoactive cannabinoids from hemp are available, the loopholes allowing them might be re-evaluated.


D8 has been found to be strongly antiemetic in children

I now take a D8 vape pen on my annual deep sea fishing trip with my pops. Used to always get seasick until I brought the pen, cured me 100%


Alot of people still dont know what d8 is, I can tell you from my experiences at local black market seshes and events around here that 95% of the people who try my d8 like it more than d9 because it’s not so intense.


You stated Delta 8 and Delta 10 were “grey area” and that it was not scheduled, I replied to your comment not his.


"These constitutional isomers of delta-9-THC were never subject to a critical review and are still in schedule I of the 1971 Convention. "

Also " (±)-Δ10-THC is in Schedule I of the 1971 Convention. "

Regarding his post while i do agree the text in that bill is completely in favor of what he says at the end of the day D8 and D10 are schedule 1; CBD is not. There is no precedent set for someone getting caught with CBD isomerized to D8 so for an attorney to give the green light is wrong to me. I think the possibility that you could be the precedent and it could NOT go favorably needs to be acknowledged by your legal reference.

Go read the CSA.

I already said theres exclusions

Hemp is not marijuana!!!

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Drug code 7360 is the code that makes these illegal. See post above for exemptions. Its black and white.


As stated, I agree it’s less potent then d9 which means it’s easier for most with low tolerances to tritrate dosages.

If sold openly with only a vague loophole allowing it, What happens when it’s used irresponsibly by minors? Seems like a liability to the whole industry.

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