D8 D10 and 99.9% CBN Kilos. Wondering what going rates are currently and if there’s an interest in any of those? Thoughts ?

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Wtf happens when kids smoke weed now?

It would be safer then that…

What happens when teens drink?

Or what about if he gets his hands on some cbn?

You dont think cbn will fuck someone up worse then d8?


It’s less likely too but mainly also doesn’t have THC in the name.

It’s thats it’s availability is based on a law that clearly didn’t intend for it to be made and used. Yes, it 100% says it’s technically allow based on the wording used. Will that stand in court? No one here can say yes or no definitively, only a judge.

I’m pointing out that if openly sold, it will quickly push the issue to be decided. Even if a judge agrees, one of the letter agencies will likely step in or Congress will amend the farm bill


Exactly the molecule itself is federally scheduled just because it falls under a grey area doesn’t mean a shipment won’t get intercepted, tested… someone will become the precedent i don’t wish it on anyone but it will happen.


There’s another thread here as well as been brought up before about the farm bill allowing THCA to be sold. Technically pure THCA won’t have any THC and is found in hemp, is that legal?

Obviously I don’t think so and many states even require testing using THCA conversion but the way the bill is worded, it could be interpreted to mean it is allowed.

Again, it can only be decided by a judge or congress really. The first step would be to get it approved by a state agriculture program to at least somewhat test the argument.

Theyve known about isomer of thc and cbd for years since the 70s.

If they didn’t intend for the isomers to be legalized they wouldnt have put the word isomers in there.

You need to smoke some delta 8

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Pure cbn is going to mess a kid up worse than delta 8 ever could. The studies above prove that.

I have a ton of patience that smoke delta 8 at work because it’s a functional high.

You need to try it, cant be an expert in it if you’ve never made it or smoked it xD

Again, I have dabbed and eaten d8 Distillate, most very low d9 but the whole spectrum. As stated, I didn’t prefer it as it’s just lower potency d9 for me but I use recreationally. I’m not doubting medicinal benefits.

It was however stronger then the CBN I’ve tried? One was a Distillate and one was made by @anon93688 only taken orally. I didn’t have much of either but from what I gathered from both was that I would need above 300mg for real threshold effects.

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Finally able to open the study referenced thrice in this thread.

From that paper, describing delta-8 as 3/4 psychotropic potency of d8:

So why the drastic difference in young children, the authors of the study report an undocumented reduction of psychoactive properties of d9-Thc and hypothesized they would see a similar reduction in d8:

The authors hypothesize and also cite a source proving the anti-emetic effect of cannabinoids is not tied to the psychoactive effect, illustrated by the non-psychoactive HU-211:

Finally, the authors conclude from their results(n=8, followed by 480 subsequent) that young patients do see less psychoactive effects and that the anti-emetic effect is not tied to psychoactivity:

If they hypothesize adolescents have less psychoactive effects, the final comparison of d9 dose in adults (5mg) and d8 dose in children (18mg) is flawed due to the also reported difference in psychotropic potency of the two compounds(3/4). If someone can find a study on children using d9, it would be a much better comparison of dose.

I started smoking at 11(within the study age range) and I 100% got very high. Maybe I needed more then an adult or had less negative side effects like the mentioned anxiety but the effects were real and extremely enjoyable, still are to this day 19 years later.

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Cannabinol reported at 10% activity to THC:

Pharmacokinetics and Metabolism of the Plant Cannabinoids, Δ 9-Tetrahydrocannibinol, Cannabidiol and Cannabinol

M. A. Huestis
Chemistry and Drug MetabolismIntramural Research ProgramBaltimoreUSA

The wide ranging bioavailability means some might get very little effects unless they smoke huge doses.

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I believe technically THCA IS 87.7% THC, and the farm bill says no more than .3% in the plant or any of its parts, including acids.

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To bad it didn t work thou :fist_left:

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Heres some stuff from that actual study,

D8 is not 3/4 and psycho active as d9

If a 5mg dose of d9 will get you high but a 18 mg dose of d8 wont then it cant be 3/4 as powerful.

I was always told its about 1/3 of the potency (mechoulam said this somewhere)

Btw they’re talking about d8 and d9 having the same metabolite pathways :wink:

Heres your side effects btw


That was my experience as well when we were making it. However, marketing to dispensaries was an exercise in futility so we gave up on it.

I totally agree, I found that its hard to sell d8 because alot of ppl are looking for that d9 high and miss it since it is different. I always would explain to ppl how d8 is like an indica body high to me and you’ll feel it in your body vs d9 you feel it in your head. Once ppl stop looking for that head high they realize there body’s feel better and they like it.

When I first started making d8 I had this client who had a really sick wife ( they were like 70) she hated d8 at first because it didnt get her high. She ran out of her d9 and only had d8. After smoking just d8 for 1 day she realized even though she wasnt getting high her body didn’t ache anymore. She eventually got off klonopin because of d8.

D8 is a God send to many, and the fact the farm bill legalized it IMO is a God send to alot of sick ppl.

Yes kids can get high off of it

Kids can just as easily get high off weed or pills IMO

I’d be more worried about the fentanyl vape carts going around killing ppl then d8


Yes exactly, I used to tell folks it was a functional daytime high that still allows you to think and work.


Isn’t that what weed is for???


Lol not if you smoke oil all day Killa12345

With all the talk of D8, where could a guy find a small amount to try before doing a full run on an SPD for the conversion?

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Where are you located?

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The screenshots i posted are from that same paper

When they say the same pathway, they mean pathway, not end derivatives. D8 is metabolized to its own 11-hydroxy derivatives


Washington state