Cellular Wafers are the future of drug delivery tech!

So. Here we go on an absolutely insane adventure. I have developed a system of drug delivery using lipid wafers that are extremely unique and powerful. This tech has nothing to do with nano technology or any vesicle based system available. It is absolutely brand new stuff as far as i know. It will make any drug instant acting and rapid peaking while increasing the potency by up to somewhere around 1000 fold. It’s a highly complex subject but it’s a very functional tech. I spent nearly 1 million out of my own pocket to develop this over the course of 20+ years. I’m releasing all my research for free online slowly over the next several months. I will be posting recipes and scientific data continually. I’ll get people started with a few excerpts and the initial stages of the first recipe I’ll be posting. Please keep the conversation entirely scientific. I have no desire to discuss the genesis or formatting of any ideas. I am not trying to market this technology to anyone for profit or to any formal scientific organization. I designed this to get rich but discovered things that have massive implications in biology along the way and decided that this info should not be sold. This is a post to inspire collaboration amongst interested individuals. The technology is still in the refinement stages of development and I believe exposure to this community will accelerate that phase. So, here we go:


Intro to instructional video series.pdf (68.5 KB)


Edit, posted the wrong paper

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Procedure.pdf (53.9 KB)


This is a basic recipe for use with 4 grams of any hydrophobic ethanol soluble api. The ingredient quantities can all be adjusted in proportion to each other just like any recipe. But, the methodology must be followed precisely.

20 grams soy lecithin granules
Place in 400ml mason jar and add 30 grams of 85F alkaline water to it. Stir together gently to ensure all granules are hydrated. Close jar lid. Place jar in pot of 110F water. Allow jar to sit for 2 min, open lid and stir gently to ensure even hydration. Never stir aggressively at any point in the entire process, that will cause aeration of the phospholipids and ruin the batch completely. You are only stirring just enough to ensure the ingredients mix together and the water doesn’t pool anywhere in the container. Allow jar to sit in 110f water. At the same time in a separate 400ml mason jar, combine 4 grams of D8thc with 40 grams of ethanol. Heat and stir til fully dissolved. Take 3 100ml glass spray bottles and divide mixture evenly amongst them. Dilute one spray bottle with an additional 15 grams of ethanol and add 4 grams of liquid mct oil. Take 1 100ml glass spray bottle and fill it with alkaline water. Take 1 spray 100ml glass spray bottle and fill with 15ml ethanol. Prepare small pot to heat all 5 bottles. Return attention to hydrating lecithin. Observe specifically for uniform hydration and no dry spots. Lecithin will first hydrate and as it sits under influence of heat it will then begin to clarify. It must remain undisturbed during this process to avoid aeration. The clarification process will turn the lecithin from a yellowish hazy appearance to a slick glossy translucent reddish appearance. Its absolutely crucial to achieve perfect clarity to ensure proper phospholipid layering. This process can take up to 24 hours depending on how water is introduced to the lecithin. Water hydrated lecithin will gradually clarify itself between 100F and 140F. The water temp can be gradually adjusted up to speed the process but must not exceed 140f. After 1 hour the original water content should have fully absorbed. At this point you want to start coaxing the lecithin towards clarification. Surface tension in the mixture must be gradually decreased to fully clarify the mixture. A fully clarified mixture will be a translucent gel. It will cause some image distortion if looked through but should have no visible undissolved contents. A homogeneous mixture will be a gel resembling the viscosity of motor oil at temps between 100f and 120f and it will become thinner as it is heated and kept under the boiling point of ethanol. All mixtures should be produced in sealed mason jars with pressure sensitive lids. The average mason jar lid is designed to pop open at around 14psi. To assist in clarification the surface tension of the mix needs to be cut by gently introducing an alternating pattern of hot solvent and hot water.
Place the 100ml glass spray bottles containing the diluted mct oil mix and the water into pot of of water and allow to sit until internal temp reaches 140f. Once this temp is achieved, remove the alcohol containing bottle and shake it vigorously for 2 minutes then place back into the hot water and allow temp to return to 140f, repeat this step 3 times to ensure that the api has fully dissolved. Use a clear glass spray bottle if needed to ensure full dissolution. Increase heat of lecithin containing mix to 125f internal temp gradually by increasing water temp to 150-155f and prepare to start alternating spray bottles. Open the hydrated lecithin jar once it reaches 125f and begin by spraying 5 sprays of the 140f alkaline water into the jar, then close the lid of the jar and allow this water to absorb into the mix for 2 minutes. After this 2 minutes open the jar and spray 140f alcohol/mct/api bottle into mix 5 times, close jar and allow to sit for 2 minutes. Repeat these steps until both spray bottles are empty. Cap the jar and allow it to sit for 30 minutes after this process and reduce water temp to 135f. Do not shake the jar or stir it. After 30 minutes check the mixture for clarity. At this point the mixture should be a fairly translucent gel if the lecithin granules are standard pc content. If granules are high pc then the viscosity will be lower with more transparency at this point. Continue to monitor for clarification, total clarity must be achieved before the next step can begin.

The next step will depend on the type of medium you are attempting to infuse, but for this guide we will focus on a basic water based formula that can be infused into many foods and drinks. It can also be inhaled in a pulmonary device(do not vaporize or combust this formula), or it can be placed in a spray bottle and used as a mouth/topical spray. It can also be used in a nasal spray container but i would highly caution against using cannabinoids through the nose due to the stinging pain. It feels pretty rough, although it does produce an intense high, i do not recommend it. However, other api can often become less painful when used intranasally in this formula. Brain specific targeting and instant uptake of any drug can be achieved by consuming this formula in conjunction with most substances as well. Insufflated substances can be essentially “chased” with this formula and captured intranasally, as well as followed down the same digestive path. The tissue in the digestive path can be made much more receptive to all substances by consuming any of these formula. Exercise extreme caution when mixing with any illicit, otc, or pharmaceutical substance. Always start with extremely low doses. Swim once told me that certain fancy alkaloids can be made 10-20 times more potent, immediate acting and long lasting when combined with this formula. I’ve experienced extreme potency multiplication from all substances in this formula, whether administered simultaneously or built into the formula. I’ll elaborate much more on these concepts in future papers. The potential to create formulas that can increase potencies of any substance is not something to be played with. You can potentially die from combining your average dose of almost anything with this formula if certain precautions aren’t taken. There are multiple levels above this formula as well that will be carefully introduced to avoid catastrophic effects. Expect up to 20 fold potency multiplication. So, if you normally consume 200mg of a substance, start with a dose of 10mg when combining with this formula. This formula can alter drug absorption rates for up to 4 hours depending on the quantity consumed.

Now that’s out of the way, let’s continue…

Increase your water temp to 145 and place 2 empty 400ml mason jars in beside the existing formula. Observe your composition on your formula at this point. If you are using high pc lecithin then you will notice that there’s very little separation, if any. With standard lecithin you will start to see 2 layers. The upper layer contains a substantial amount of pc, while the lower layer holds most of the others phospholipids. Pc is highly soluble in ethanol and will separate from the other lecithin components once a certain ethanol/water saturation point is reached, this concept is elaborated upon in this paper().


If people want to condense and reformat things that is totally fine. I’ll try to avoid immediately posting hundred of pages of data. These are just excerpts. The research isn’t complete yet but I have well over 200 pages of condensed research thus far. I think I’ll end up writing a very long textbook eventually about lipid sciences


I’ll have a completed recipe that people can make at home up by the end of the day. It’s a very long and complex process. You won’t be able to do it while reading it. It will require alot of energy and attention to be successful. But if you are, you will end up with the world’s only instant acting edible. These formulas create the most insane products you’ve ever consumed. This tech makes nano or liposomal cannabinoids into a joke. 1-2mg of thc can slay any heavy smoker if prepared properly. The onset time is a tenth of the onset time of smoked cannabis. When I say instant I do not mean fast-acting. I mean instantly, my gummies made with this recipe will get your eyes drooping before you are able to even swallow them. And I’ve seen professional growers incapacitated for 24-36 hours on doses over 100mg. I routinely drop 1-3 gram dabs and I smoke well over a lb of flower a month. My opinion of strong is probably a fairly valid one, you have been warned…


Love the concept and had to organize for my understanding. Is this correct:


Soy Lecithin granules
Extract (api)
Alkaline Water
400mL Mason Jar & lid
100mL Glass spray bottles
Hot Plate


  • Create Lecithin Mix:
    • Place 20g Soy Lecithin into 400mL mason jar
    • Add 30g of 85F alkaline water, close lid
    • Stir gently, place in pot of 110F water
    • Sit for 2 mins stirring gently
    • Let it sit in 110F bath
  • Create dosed infusion:
    • In separate 400mL Mason Jar, combine 4g extract with 40g ethanol
    • Heat until dissolved
    • Separate into 3 100mL glass spray bottles
      • Dilute 1 with 15g Ethanol and 4g MCT Oil
    • Fill another 100mL spray bottle with Alkaline Water
    • Fill another 100mL spray bottle with 15mL Ethanol
    • Prepare pot to heat all 5 100mL bottles
  • Check on Lecithin
    • 1 hr after creation, water should be absorbed
    • Uniform hydration with no dry spots desired
  • Reduce surface tension by introducing an alternating pattern of hot solvent and hot water
    • Heat MCT/Ethanol/Extract to 140F, ensuring extract is fully dissolved
    • Heat alkaline water to 140F
    • Heat Lecithin mix to 125F (water temp 150F)
    • Open Lecithin mix lid and give 5 spritz of alkaline water
    • Close lid and set for 2 mins
    • Open Lecithin mix and give 5 spritz of MCT/ETH/Extract
    • Close and let sit for 2 mins
    • Repeat until both bottles are empty
    • Cap, reduce heat (water temp 135) and let the jar sit for 30 mins
  • Observe for clarity
    • Full clarity must be achieved

Where do we go from there…?

Edit: Updated to reflect remaining process

  • Create 3 part Final Solution
    • Increase water temp to 145F
    • Observe Lecithin Solution
      • High pc = very little separation
      • Standard Lecithin will yield 2 layers – pc on top, other phospholipids on bottom
    • Place 2 empty 400mL mason jars beside Lecithin mix
    • Preheat an open tip syringe to 145F
    • Slowly and carefully draw up half of the top layer of the lecithin solution
      • Avoid any foaming or aeration
    • Inject into one of the empty jars and cap
    • Increase water temp to 155F
    • Gently swirl the 2-layer lecithin mixture until it is homogeneous
    • Once homogeneous, remove half of this solution and carefully transfer to the other empty jar
    • Close both jars and let all 3 sit for 10 mins to heat, settle, and remove bubbles
    • Get another 100mL spray bottle and add 50mL standard pH water
    • Place the standard water, and 3 other spray bottles into water to heat
    • Heat for 10 mins
    • Spray 5 spritz heated water onto the walls of the jar with only top layer & close lid
    • Open the other 2 jars and spray 5 spritz ethanol on the walls of each. Reseal.
    • Wait 2 mins for equilibriums to form
    • Open top layer jar and spritz walls 5 times with an ethanol/extract bottle. Reseal.
    • Open other 2 jars and spritz walls 5 times each with the other ethanol/extract bottleReseal.
    • Wait 2 mins for equilibriums to form
    • Repeat until bottles of ethanol/extract are empty
      • Only done with 2 jars not containing top layer
    • Open top layer jar and add 5 spritz heated water to sides. Reseal.
    • Wait 2 mins for equilibrium to form
    • Re-open and add 5 spritz ethanol/extract. Reseal.
    • Repeat until ethanol/extract bottle is empty
  • To infuse oil
    • Heat a pot of oil to the same temp as the 3 jars (155F)
    • Slowly pour all 3 jars into the oil
    • Gradually increase temp to 185F and hold it there
    • As the oil simmers, spritz with ethanol spray bottle once every 3 seconds until empty
    • Simmer an additional 2 mins
    • Remove from heat
  • For Water Soluble:
    • Heat 150mL alkaline water and 50mL ethanol to 150F and place in spray bottle.
    • Slowly introduce into the 2 jars containing the lower layer at a rate of 1 spray every 3 seconds until empty
    • gently swirl as needed to force homogeneity
    • Heat remaining spray bottle (ethanol) to 150F
    • Spray into both jars at the same rate while swirling to homogenize
    • Raise water temp to 195F (at sea level)
    • Once mix starts bubbling in the jars, combine by slowly pouring one into the other
    • Introduce the contents of the upper layer jar with a heated syringe at a rate of 1ml/sec
    • Swirl gently to ensure homogeneity
    • Preheat empty pot to 200F & pour half the mix in
    • Immediately turn heat to high and rapid boil for 5-10 seconds
    • Pour back into jar, cap it, remove from heat and cool in a bowl of room temp water
    • Once cooled below 100F, shake to ensure homogeneity
    • Allow to sit and observe for separation before use
    • No fragmentation or undissolved materials should be visible
    • This becomes an active 6 layer wafer that is completely water soluble
  • Things to consider:
    • Rate of introduction and homogeneity are more important than specific physical ratios
    • Toy with Eth, MCT, Lecithin, Extract quantities
    • “Oil” can be replaced with “Syrup” as long as it has a high sugar content
    • Find light yellow granules with very little smell. Also look for ones with tricalcium phosphate added
    • Always coax the material into the proper state before moving to the next phase
    • Set a watch to check the length of the come up. If you haven’t felt the full effects in 2 minutes then you most likely performed part of the process wrong

Basic Cellular Wafer Process.pdf (1.2 MB)


How bitter is the final product? I assume it has excellent water solubility, no? I have been producing fast acting (<10min) nano for drinks, and my problem has been with the extreme bitter that comes with the nano emulsion. I would be tickled if this would produce a water soluble product without the bitterness (or at least mild bitterness)


I’ll cover this topic in a post at some point today. The short answer is: yes it is still bitter in certain raw forms that are exposed to the taste buds. But, there are multiple workarounds and caveats to that discussion. I’ll explain the culinary implications of my tech and the current relationship between cellular wafers and food. Similar structures already form spontaneously in certain culinary environments and account for a wide variety of factors in out reception of food


The complexities of taste and how food preparation affects it will demystify as I post more about these concepts and you will be able to modulate taste however you desire. Modifications to taste can be made by altering the outer layer of the wafer. There are a variety of ways to modify it and custom tailor it to a desired taste to a certain threshold, any bitter compounds present in your api will be amplified at a non selective rate by 3-5 fold at a minimum. However, the formula can be combined with other formulas that contain more wafers with more sticky outer layers that contain chemicals that can neutralize or combine with bitterness to make it less perceivable


Give me a few hours and I’ll have the rest of the process up. Once it’s up I’ll explain how to modulate it in multiple directions


Here’s the full recipe

This is a basic recipe for use with 4 grams of any hydrophobic ethanol soluble api. The ingredient quantities can all be adjusted in proportion to each other just like any recipe. But, the methodology must be followed precisely.

20 grams soy lecithin granules
Place in 400ml mason jar and add 30 grams of 85F alkaline water to it. Stir together gently to ensure all granules are hydrated. Close jar lid. Place jar in pot of 110F water. Allow jar to sit for 2 min, open lid and stir gently to ensure even hydration. Never stir aggressively at any point in the entire process, that will cause aeration of the phospholipids and ruin the batch completely. You are only stirring just enough to ensure the ingredients mix together and the water doesn’t pool anywhere in the container. Allow jar to sit in 110f water. At the same time in a separate 400ml mason jar, combine 4 grams of D8thc with 40 grams of ethanol. Heat and stir til fully dissolved. Take 3 100ml glass spray bottles and divide mixture evenly amongst them. Dilute one spray bottle with an additional 15 grams of ethanol and add 4 grams of liquid mct oil(the mct oil is optional in water soluble formulas, but is recommended). Take 1 100ml glass spray bottle and fill it with alkaline water. Take 1 spray 100ml glass spray bottle and fill with 15ml ethanol. Prepare small pot to heat all 5 bottles. Return attention to hydrating lecithin. Observe specifically for uniform hydration and no dry spots. Lecithin will first hydrate and as it sits under influence of heat it will then begin to clarify. It must remain undisturbed during this process to avoid aeration. The clarification process will turn the lecithin from a yellowish hazy appearance to a slick glossy translucent reddish appearance. Its absolutely crucial to achieve perfect clarity to ensure proper phospholipid layering. This process can take up to 24 hours depending on how water is introduced to the lecithin. Water hydrated lecithin will gradually clarify itself between 100F and 140F. The water temp can be gradually adjusted up to speed the process but must not exceed 140f. After 1 hour the original water content should have fully absorbed. At this point you want to start coaxing the lecithin towards clarification. Surface tension in the mixture must be gradually decreased to fully clarify the mixture. A fully clarified mixture will be a translucent gel. It will cause some image distortion if looked through but should have no visible undissolved contents. A homogeneous mixture will be a gel resembling the viscosity of motor oil at temps between 100f and 120f and it will become thinner as it is heated and kept under the boiling point of ethanol. All mixtures should be produced in sealed mason jars with pressure sensitive lids. The average mason jar lid is designed to pop open at around 14psi. To assist in clarification the surface tension of the mix needs to be cut by gently introducing an alternating pattern of hot solvent and hot water.
Place the 100ml glass spray bottles containing the diluted mct oil mix and the water into pot of of water and allow to sit until internal temp reaches 140f. Once this temp is achieved, remove the alcohol containing bottle and shake it vigorously for 2 minutes then place back into the hot water and allow temp to return to 140f, repeat this step 3 times to ensure that the api has fully dissolved. Use a clear glass spray bottle if needed to ensure full dissolution. Increase heat of lecithin containing mix to 125f internal temp gradually by increasing water temp to 150-155f and prepare to start alternating spray bottles. Open the hydrated lecithin jar once it reaches 125f and begin by spraying 5 sprays of the 140f alkaline water into the jar, then close the lid of the jar and allow this water to absorb into the mix for 2 minutes. After this 2 minutes open the jar and spray 140f alcohol/mct/api bottle into mix 5 times, close jar and allow to sit for 2 minutes. Repeat these steps until both spray bottles are empty. Cap the jar and allow it to sit for 30 minutes after this process and reduce water temp to 135f. Do not shake the jar or stir it. After 30 minutes check the mixture for clarity. At this point the mixture should be a fairly translucent gel if the lecithin granules are standard pc content. If granules are high pc then the viscosity will be lower with more transparency at this point. Continue to monitor for clarification, total clarity must be achieved before the next step can begin.

The next step will depend on the type of medium you are attempting to infuse, but for this guide we will focus on a basic water based formula that can be infused into many foods and drinks. It can also be inhaled in a pulmonary device(do not vaporize or combust this formula), or it can be placed in a spray bottle and used as a mouth/topical spray. It can also be used in a nasal spray container but i would highly caution against using cannabinoids through the nose due to the stinging pain. It feels pretty rough, although it does produce an intense high, i do not recommend it. However, other api can often become less painful when used intranasally in this formula. Brain specific targeting and instant uptake of any drug can be achieved by consuming this formula in conjunction with most substances as well. Insufflated substances can be essentially “chased” with this formula and captured intranasally, as well as followed down the same digestive path. The tissue in the digestive path can be made much more receptive to all substances by consuming any of these formula. Exercise extreme caution when mixing with any illicit, otc, or pharmaceutical substance. Always start with extremely low doses. Swim once told me that certain fancy alkaloids can be made 10-20 times more potent, immediate acting and long lasting when combined with this formula. I’ve experienced extreme potency multiplication from all substances in this formula, whether administered simultaneously or built into the formula. I’ll elaborate much more on these concepts in future papers. The potential to create formulas that can increase potencies of any substance is not something to be played with. You can potentially die from combining your average dose of almost anything with this formula if certain precautions aren’t taken. There are multiple levels above this formula as well that will be carefully introduced to avoid catastrophic effects. Expect up to 20 fold potency multiplication. So, if you normally consume 200mg of a substance, start with a dose of 10mg when combining with this formula. This formula can alter drug absorption rates for up to 4 hours depending on the quantity consumed.

Now that’s out of the way, let’s continue…

Increase your water temp to 145 and place 2 empty 400ml mason jars in beside the existing formula. Observe your composition on your formula at this point. If you are using high pc lecithin then you will notice that there’s very little separation, if any. With standard lecithin you will start to see 2 layers. The upper layer contains a substantial amount of pc, while the lower layer holds most of the others phospholipids. Pc is highly soluble in ethanol and will separate from the other lecithin components once a certain ethanol/water saturation point is reached, this concept is elaborated upon in this paper(2).

Next, use a 145f pre-heated open tip syringe to remove half of the top layer and inject it into one of the empty 400ml jars. Make sure the tip is large and unrestricted and carefully and slowly draw the liquid up to avoid any foaming or aeration. Place a lid on this jar. Increase water temp to 155f. Next, take the jar with both layers, pick up slowly, swirl it slowly to coax the two layers into one. Once they’re homogenous, remove half of the mixture carefully and slowly by syringe and inject slowly into the other empty jar. Close both jars. Allow all 3 jars to sit for 10 minutes to heat up settle and remove any bubbles formed while transferring. Next, take remaining 3 spray bottles and place them into water to heat. Also, get another 100ml spray bottle thats filled with 50ml standard ph water. Place that water bottle in water to be heated as well. After 10 minutes has passed, open the jar that contains only the top layer you removed. Spray 5 sprays of heated water onto walls of jar and close lid. Now open the other 2 jars and spray 5 sprays of ethanol only into walls of each and reseal. Wait 2 minutes for water and ethanol to absorb. You want the mixtures to always balance out in temperature before continuing to next step. You dont want to disrupt temperature homogenity too much because that can cause unwanted phospholipid tail interactions, as well as denaturing of phospholipids if the homegenity is unbalanced by large amounts(20F+). Next, open the top layer jar and spray 5 sprays of one of the two spray bottles containing ethanol/api mixes onto the walls and close jar. Next open the other two jars and spray 5 sprays of the other ethanol/api bottle into each, recap the jars for 2 minutes, spray 5 more sprays into each jar, recap for 2 minutes, then repeat this process until the bottle is empty. Next, open the top layer jar and spray 5 sprays of heated water into it, cap for 2 minutes, spray 5 sprays of ethanol/api mix into it, cap for 2 minutes, repeat this process til ethanol/api bottle is empty. Gently swirl each jar to ensure each mixture is homegenous and allow jars to sit for 10 more minutes with the lids off while increasing water temp to 165f…

Now at this point you will have options. Each one of these formulas will contain 2 layers of wafers that are already partially active, but still fragile and fairly unusable in their current form. They can be slowly combined together into one jar and gradually infused into a variety of ingredients at this point, or introduced one at a time to recipes. They obviously contain alcohol so you would be infusing things with alcohol unless its getting removed through a cooking process. This formula cannot be taken past the boiling point of alcohol safely unless dispersed into an oil. It needs to be insulated from heat.
So at this point you can pour all 3 jars into a pot of oil thats at the same temp. Then gradually increase the temp to 185 and hold it there. As the oil starts to simmer slowly spray the top of the pot with the other spray bottle at a rate of 1 spray every 3 seconds til it is empty. Once the bottle is empty, allow the pot to simmer for 2 minutes and remove from heat. Introduce it to baked goods recipes at this point and have fun. It will affect cooking times slightly but in a very similar way an alcohol based extract will. Do not use alcohol based extracts when adding to recipes and egg containing recipes may need the yolk content reduced to compensate for the increase in choline added by the formula. The same steps can also be followed to infuse the 3 jars into any type of syrup as long as it is fairly high in sugar content. You would just repeat what i just wrote to infuse oil and replace “oil” with “syrup”. With syrup or oil you can continue to simmer until all the alcohol is removed in order to make an alcohol free product, but this may affect potency and/or onset time. Play with multiple ratios here. The primary focus is the methodology. Many parts of the recipe are specific in measurements and many are vague. This is intentional because those aspects are dependent primarily on the order of processes rather than an exact ratio or quantity. The rates of introduction and homogeneity are typically prioritized over everything else. Thats not to say ratios arent important. I just havent explored them all entirely and i dont want to speak definitively and discourage experimentation.

Let’s continue the water formula:

Heat 150ml of alkaline water mixed with 50ml ethanol to 150f and place in spray bottle, slowly introduce into the 2 jars containing the lower layer at a rate of 1 spray every 3 seconds until empty, gently swirl jars as needed to ensure homegenity. Now take remaining spray bottle containing ethanol and heat it to 150f, spray into both jars at the same rate of 1 spray every 3 seconds while swirling in to ensure homogenity. Raise water temp to 195f(at sea level, adjust per altitude to maintain temp between ethanol and water boiling temps). Once mix starts to bubble in the jars, combine jars by pouring one slowly into the other, then slowly introduce jar containing upper layer by removing it with a heated syringe and gradually injecting it into other jar at a rate of 1ml per second. Now swirl the jar gently to ensure homegenity. Now take empty pot preheated to 200f, pour half of the mixture into pot and immediately turn heat to high, allow to come to a rapid boil for 5-10 seconds and rapidly remove from heat, pour back into jar, cap it and remove from heat and allow to cool in a bowl full of room temperature water. Once cooled below 100f, shake jar to ensure homegenity. Allow to sit and observe for separation before use. No fragmentation or undissolved materials should be visible, it will cool to become an active 6 layer wafer containing formula if every step was performed properly. It is entirely water soluble at this point and able to be consumed directly or placed into a spray bottle and is ready for oral, topical, or intranasal use. 5-10 sprays from a small glass spray bottle is my recommended dosage but I’m sure you’ll find your own. I’ll continue to elaborate on how to continue this recipe to add an additional layer, turn to powder, make it alcohol free, and many more modifications. But, this is a functional recipe.


I would love to try this out. Is there a particular brand of Soy Lecithin granules that you prefer. I understand that the PC content can change from product to product and wanted to order some to play with.


This is why my old prepper mentor would always have us add litchen to edibles, to “help pass the blood brain barrier”. Interesting and following.


so, I am curious. But it seems theres alot of material available and edibles are cheap and they work really well. Is the main thing that its fast acting???

I always added lecithin to mine. Dunno why people wouldn’t.

Never had a negative review when I was making gummies.


Sorry about that, I reached my post limit yesterday unexpectedly. Let’s continue

Ill give some of my observations. If made properly, it isn’t just fast acting, it is instant acting. It bypasses metabolism in the stomach and tissue entirely. It allows instant delivery of massive doses of any substance(s) to any receptor site(s)
and produces completely novel effects from every substance it is combined with. This tech works on all drugs and can make any substance atleast 10 times more potent. The peak of substances can be extended and even condensed to much shorter time frames. There are no synthetic ingredients or dangerous food industry additives in it. It doesn’t require any expensive hardware to produce it. It can overload receptors and alter endogenous chemical absorption rates as well. It delivers massive acetylcholine based effects in every area it touches. It can fix movement disorders immediately through the skin. Topical formulas are instant acting. 5-100 times the psychoactivity of any smoked substance at the same dose is easily achievable. I’ve been sky high on less than 1mg of thc in this formula and I can eat 1000mg of any dispensary edible without being phased. I’d like to say the potency multiplication is up to 1000 fold. But I believe other things are occurring that make a potency comparison somewhat invalid at high doses. There’s a small bit of research into using acetylcholine boosters and lipid entrapped drugs to reset addiction related movement neural networks and create a feeling of satiation. There’s some kind of ability to produce a scrambling effect in the movement networks tied to drug use. This formula tends to create a novel feeling that heavily discourages continued use while leaving the user very functional. Typically the thing that stops substance consumption is a high level of psychoactivity. But, these formulas will encourage you to do odd things. They might make you put down the bag long before you are as high as you would normally be. I’ll link some interesting studies on addiction down below if I can find then. I tend to let my mind run with the implications of this type of technology. Lipid nano vehicle technology is a wild forefront of science and I believe this is a mild evolution in thinking in that arena. Being able to produce massive effects with tiny doses of instant acting transdermal drugs…that’s a wild concept. But, the recipe to do it will end up right here in this thread. Instant acting topical psilocybin anyone? High powered undetectable steroids and hormones for athletes? The possibilities will break your brain. This tech gives you a key to any part of biology. Adjusting ethanol content and solubilization of api can create custom tailored blends that will go directly through tissue. The above blend can be made with double the amount of alcohol and it will begin to rapidly penetrate the skin. This tech can easily make snorted, smoked and injected drugs a thing of the past because it’s so much more powerful, enjoyable and cheaper. I’ll post up some actual edible recipes today if I get a chance. I have a method to infuse any gummy recipe that is pretty mind blowing that I’ll post later. Sorry for the long-winded overzealous response but there’s no short way to describe the benefits of this technology over everything else out there.


Most of that is correct but I need to change a few things

Here’s an interesting read: