Cbd isomerization to d8 and d9 thc

Whats CDT?


Alright, that’s enough to know.
Thanks for that.

And down the rabbit hole we go :rabbit:


It is for sure a safer cheaper and way faster reaction than the one with the pyroforic catalyst .
And also no need for perfect dry conditions.
And there are also no oxidation issues like the purple thing with TIBA. When you know how to quench it the right way.
Its perfect and simple

Quote from Patent US 8106244

Using AlCl3 at very short reaction times, selectivities of ca. 10:1 delta-9-THC: iso-THC can be achieved, with little isomerization to delta-8 isomer.


The basics of isomerizations are always the same. There are a few different ways to achieve high D9 with minimum D8 content with every catalyst. Once you know how the fundamentals work, you can adjust your rxn to different catalyst with minimum effort.

But the biggest difference is the D9 concentration at which D9 starts to “degrade” to D8 and that is not only but mostly depending on the used catalyst.
Some wont go over 40% D9 content before second order reaction (D9 → D8) starts to go faster than first order reaction (CBD → D9).

So therefore, I am excited to see what I will get.

Wasn t me :joy::joy::joy:
Exelent find thou and treully impressed

Yes, No thca/thc present. “ND”
Different batch of terps this time but same process of extracting them. similar assay I’m positive neither have thca/thc present in the terps.

Terps been sitting in freezer for over a year…zero nucleation… (from live plants) accurate lab report.

I added some HDT just to see if there was a difference and same thing, acts like d9, red eyed toasted.

I’m going to smoke it raw rn to see. But it def feels like d9 now. I live alone. No one breaking in and swapping it out or anything. So weird.

Wish Solvay Pharma would “cheat” a little more. Maybe Benuvia could handle that, would be a great use of R&D (marketing) money.

I’d tag them but I doubt they’d be willing to have that type of convo :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

C.annabis D.erived T.erpenes

and (just in case)

H.emp D.erived T.erpenes

B.otanical D.ervied T.erpenes

(“Botanical” is a term used in the terp space to convey wannabe replica cannabis terps. Terp camps use this term to decieve consumers…
They say “we don’t sell fake terps”…they’re not “fake” but they don’t come from cannabis…they’re from other plants trying to replicate cannabis …even though “botanical” means from all plants.)

That is hardly a “COA”.

You want folks to believe it’s the “terpenes” that changed your ride, then show is wtf is in there…

If you want to understand why mixing those exact terpenes in the same ratio from other sources doesn’t have the same effect?

Look to the flavinoids, ketones, aldehydes, and other components that don’t show up when you ask for a “terpene” analysis of your CDT.


Just saying no thc/thca present in the terps…but smoking it raw rn (no terps added) and still it acts like d9 like I’m smoking raw d9. Eyes red and all.

:thinking: I wasn’t asking you a question to sneak hint at me saying something about the terps I have. I don’t do bs like that and I wouldn’t waste your time intentionally.

I was genuinely asking you if you knew how d8 could have stronger affects after sitting around for a few years.

Maybe you took the “hey nerd” thing as an insult …not at all my intention. pardon me if you took it that way. I just assumed you’d be a good one to ask.

d9 if you’re using hte instead of refined terps

Huh? I’m using pure 100% CDT not hte not a fraction. What do you mean though?

I smoked it raw before I fell asleep and still it smacks. W/o any terps added.

I’m asking why d8 that was weak sat around for 3 years and now its kind of potent. Acts like d9 now.

RAW no terps added.

That’s a bit imprecise, there are Ketone-/Aldehyde-containing terpenes like Citral and Pulegone.

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Better? Whats in my Cannabis? A Unified Manifest of Cannabis Constituents

Maybe Hemp derived terpenes will explain

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I wonder if one could do it with ptsa without removing it and just switching the solvent. Ie: switching from toluene to dme will turn ptsa from acid to base.

Ofcoz if one insists on doing one pot synthesis then looking at what’s happening in the stomach with CBD can give some hints.

CBD + low concentration HCL + 1% SDS/SLS @ 37 gives 85% conversion after 60minutes and 98% conversion after 120min. D8 to D9 ratio is 1:1.5 even without using any buffers or quenching the reaction before second order reaction will start degradation of D9 to D8.


Whats sds/sls?

Satan’s Dick Shield


Sodium dodecyl sulfate

If you do this reaction with NaH it yields only around 3:1 d9:d8 so it is not really useful.
Do you have a source for the using of SDS?

what chromatography procedure can you recommend for removing cbd?