I am currently trying to figure out how to go about entering the CBD isolation scene…
We have access top a large bulk of CBD hash material testing at about 47.7% CBD and 2.6% THC. (nearly 100k lb’s)
So with access to this material for very low wholesale cost I am trying to figure out how to entry level isolate CBD from this material at a good enough yield to scale up after some work…
all of the industrial CBD isolation equipment starts at 100k +, and I dont have investors just a very very good source of material thats inexpensive and good quality to work from.
From what ive read I will have to rely on some sort of chromatography type separation weather it be through a column through sillica, or liquid phase transfer(no sillica) using CPC (centrifugal partition chromatography) . But as I stated those systems are retailing at base costs of 100k + Not a resource that is an option for me.
I am unclear on the possibilities of distillation, from the bit Ive read before I read that heating the material at all will cause it to not beable to be isolated similar to how isolate is, and that distillate will always be runny / is different from the " CBD isolate" we all know in the “CBD community”
( or maybe some one can clear up the possibilities for me )
The end goal is to produce CBD isolate from the CBD hash material, and a bonus would be saving the THCA portion of the material as well. and scale up the business from there.
Only other possibility from working up from nothing is applying setting up the bussiness and then some how having some company who already processes CBD isolate to buy it off of me ( the raw hash)… and from the looks of it most people are looking for already made material… not material to process.
Looking for a solution to climb the ladder up into the CBD isolate world to be able to properly utilize the source of material I have access too.
edit: another question How much would people pay for this type of starting material to process it? I am seeing quotes of 300$/lab of 18% cbd biomass. I imagine this stuff is a MUCH better starting point than any of the material ive seen discussed.
The lower the CBD content of the starting material, the more work that needs to be done to process the material into the type of grade you’re looking for.
In regards to your question about distillation, you actually do want to heat it and decarboxylate the extract prior to isolation. CBD is much easier to crystallize than CBDa. You may be confusing the “runny” consistency with THC vs THCa.
There are a few threads on this forum relating to CBD isolation you could really benefit from reading. I’m a little short on time to link them right now, but I’ll try to get some posted for you to go through later unless someone beats me to it. Good luck in your endeavor!
Thank you for the response coppertop, the difference of THCa and THC i think is what I am confusing my self with. Ive only ever read about THC distillation really, all my CBD related info is about 2 days deep right now.
Thank you for the links qma very much appreciated.
going to see if I can compile and CBD processing info, and if I can determine the scale / volume a smaller set up would allow with my sort of starting material…
If I can figure out those things I think I would be willing to take the plunge on making it a reality and paying a consultant to help me with getting it all done to finish.
If you balk at paying more than 100k for a chromatography column you are gonna have a really bad time when it comes to securing permits. To be competitive in the extraction and distillation side of things, you need access to a lot of very expensive equipment that hold certifications. Same with your building.
You read wrong. Columns dont cost 100k, CPC machines and other specialized for the industry do. I am clearly just saying I want to avoid industrial means because Obviously I am not capable of it. There is a clear point and mission in this post to isolate cbd at an entry level. Meaning in your home even. This sort of input isnt very pertinent. You can barrade me all you want with " In the commercial industry this is how they do it" But you know ive probably already read about that, and thats not stuff I can do, So right now I need to work in baby steps.
Yes you can isolate CBD very efficiently with large scale equipment, we already know this.
just so everyone know QGA is the guy who messaged me pretty much saying " hey I have a school degree pay me money for consulting" Without actually providing any actually useful info to add any merit to their credibility or skill. This person is a scammer, and NOT a resisted consultant in the community from what I have been able to gather.
the best part is you think you’re right about anything when this is all legal and happening with a bussiness, Just trying to do research into a " possibility" but people like you make the effort entirely fucking tedious dude. Point of my thread isnt to explain my fucking life situation to you. What are you a fucking cop? do you need my fucking bussiness info? jesus dude. give me a goddamn break. You know nothing you asked is fucking relevant. SURE the brokering company im working with may put down big bucks for a large lab maybe I want to proof of concept before making a pitch to them ?? You dont know my life stop trying to assume you know everything and trying to be an elitest dick about it dude like common.
You snapped when i asked you a question. It kinda gave me an idea of your situation. I still haven’t been insulting, but it’s kinda funny how you you expect the community to help you with the attitude you have. I’m gonna go ahead and let you know that if you try to do this out of a residential zone, you are gonna have some REAL issues on the horizon.
I greatly appreciate your concern if it helps you out personally I’ll let you know that your " residential " worries are not an issue and are not a reality. The point of the thread was to inquire on Entry level separation, simple enough that someone could do it " From home" I Never once said anything was being done in an on professional envrionment or in a home (Or even happening in reality Ever at all period). Please dont misunderstand… As far as everything goes Everything I discuss is All theoretical as it literally All is. I Just wanted information and i got a goddamn War out of it.
I suggest you step away from this for a bit and come back when you’re less worked up. Both of the members you’re attacking have tried to be helpful, and have been helpful contributors to this community.
Much of the information you’re seeking has been posted in previous threads, many of which have been posted above.
Warnings all around. Get this thread back on topic or quit posting here. Any more off topic discussion in this thread, from any parties, will result in a 1 day shadow ban.