Butane Extractors! What needs to be automated?

Some of these things exist. Yes, I agree, burping pressure automatically is a huge step to being able to walk away from the machine.

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Packaging…I know that’s not what you’re asking, but packaging…I extractor can bury a dozen packagers…


Our biggest bottle neck is packaging BY FAR!

WE have 10+ packagers just putting carts in tubes and gramming out dabs. its our main focus for automation at the moment.


It doesn’t need to put the cannabis in the tube?

But what will it do?!?

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So you guys just double pass the solvent through the biomass I. the Luna now?

Nb oler does the same thing on his rig

I’ve never done it as pass 2 wasn’t worth the extra yield on a standard rig as I’d always give it enough solvent to biomass at 5:1

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Depending on what were running yeah. Its well worth time for our material and process and the numbers check out!


Two soaks. Which is different that two passes of same solvent. Mostly


Thank you for clarifying that. Yes 2 soaks

Is it just an option on the HMI they did for you?

1 soak or 2?

yeah new solvent each time. we are set to do re circulation but i haven’t had the time play with it yet.

The HMI allows up to 4 soaks if you want


If the robot does them both, the extra “effort” is minimized


Definitely needs 2 biomass reactors and 3 big solvent tanks if they re design

I’m also curious about passing hydrocarbon ladder with cannabinoids through fresh biomass. They do it with ethanol.

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... and the solvent in the tube goes round and round


I think you’ll reach saturation quicker in butane than in ethanol but it will definitely work, just figuring out how well is the key.

Here’s some screenshots from my phone if the HMI

Home Screen:

Recipe editor:

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nobody else rinses until the solvent picks up no solute 'eh.


the bhogart pump could be replaced with nitrogen and piabs

it recovers passively, the pump is to push out solvent into biomass

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counter current butane extraction ftw

It’s also much harder to manage a team of packagers than a couple extractors.


the only working unit is my personal unit. I’m not interested in posting pictures. I don’t want any investors, and am wary of taking payment upfront so i have to save money to build a floor unit which i plan to display at Lab Authority in Medford, Oregon. I find NDAs to be meaningless. I can somewhat control the IP via password protecting the computer and licensing agreements.
As far as the actual design goes, there are a few process control methods which are common in automation, but not to hash engineers, so i don’t think it helps me to discuss at length the specifics of the technology in a public forum. I did just buy that domain name. Ive been a hash nerd for a decade. I wanted to build something that is not a one trick pony, but can be parameterized to crude, crumble, badder, diamonds, live resin etc. In each case i wanted to use the most efficient method. Another goal was to give the flexibility that an extractor has to the machine, so it is feature intensive and allows you change many variable the logic uses at each stage.
It becomes a refrigeration system, it can direct refrigerate the biomass and solvent before starting to your set point, it can refrigerate the solvent before filtering, adds gas from a cylinder to setpoint when needed. it controls injection solvent mass, atmosphere nitro purge, honey pot mole fraction butane/THC (roughly, see my post “math for diamond miners”). It can run without a heater or chiller, although this is limiting in a few ways. It works with any CRC size and blend. I programed anti-clogging functions, flow diversion to correct imbalances that might happen. Its a super nerd machine. You can keep it the parameters simple or go further down the branches to change what you need. It has manifolds galore, and can observe everything a extractor normally does (except color, which is not far off). I can make it shout at you in Arnold Schwarzeneggers voice and release fart smell in the lab if you throw an error or fault. I provide automation contracting services or will build something for you and get it stamped. I just prefer to work with individuals through email.


Cool story.

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Well, my personal unit is for sale. It is as you requested, so feel free to contact me.