Better quote/price for rotovap, short path distillation, chiller, vacuum pump; welcome your DM

I do have compassion and humanity to others. To my family, to my friends, my associates and peers.

But let’s get something strait, you terry - can jump off a building onto concrete for all I care.

I love everyone around me and my customers and people I meet…most people say it’s rare not to catch me with a smile on my face…but one thing I can’t stand is rip off artists/scammers/cons. And that’s what you are.

Have a nice life.

I was starting to wonder if you was ok. It had been a min since I seen one of your outlandish posts. But this is killing people every day. I wonder how you would feel if someone told a holocaust survivor as yourself… I hope a natzi catches you. :thinking:


I wouldn’t care. Life is what it is…if it’s my time then it’s my time…

They are punishing and jailing people who are exposing what’s going on in China and WHO went back on their suggestions. What’s happening in China IS VERY BAD but you are being filtered and lied to by terry, his leaders, China’s government, and everyone over there basically who doesn’t want to get jailed for exposing the truth.

China is only counting the infections that “may lead to death” and or are serious. All mild infections aren’t being counted and people are allowed to roam and not quarantined. 50,000 new cases daily… they are all lying to us.

I don’t exactly take personal what people say to me or about me. But in this case terry neither is a infectious disease specialist or a PhD in medicine, in fact he doesn’t even know how to use the hardware he is selling. So seeing this dumb fuck make comments about what is or isn’t safe and assurances buying from him would be okay(even though the ports are shut down for a long time) is sorta one of those things that does trigger me.


It’s really amazing how hard you try to alienate your potential customers with asshole/racist posts.

You are really stepping it up. Way to go man.


What your fingers type paint you as racist towards the Chinese. Your hatred towards them shines ever so bright on the forums.


It’s always easy when som leone says something very keen to be the truth to just throw out the word racism.

You sir are the racist. Nothing I said was racist.

If this was ebola from other countries or hepatitis coming from southern American territories where they farm fruit…I would be talking the same way. If there’s a national crisis in your country I’m 100% on the side of the fence where I suggest people should stay there and deal with it untill it’s over with.

You sir are manufacturing racism… terry can be black, orange, green, or even Trump and I would say the same thing about his ethics, his unprofessional practices and so forth. This isn’t color or culture related. You are making it out to be.

But he is Chinese.

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Since you contradict your self so much I’m confused. If you do not believe there is a God who do you pray to, your SPD?

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here comes the lawyers again…this is the funniest shit ever. people call my behavior racist and nationalist… time to get the lawyers. They must love you. Billable hours…i love it. im sure this isnt the last post we will see.

I so hope someone counter sues you one day and you have a chinese person on the jury awarding damages. This is hilarious! WHY :man_facepalming:

Where the fuck do even find this stuff @BG305… i went back and looked for the post. Geez, you really are the ultimate counter surveillance.


Terry needs to a record label with this fire and perfect English :ok_hand:. :fire:


Im gunna say it. Elliot is by far the BIGGEST BITCH in the industry. Flag if you have to but the truth is what i just said

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I forgot your a phd grad right? Sorry doc we should listen to you. Dumb ass. You have no more pull then he does saying whats safe or not so shut up. You’re talking out of your racist fat ass

If only we could get everyone on here to ignore summit then hed go away. Pipe dreams.
This place was pretty peaceful before his arrival

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Perhaps we are not using the word racist correctly here. The king is hating on particular Chinese people, who of course are Asian ( a race). Xenophobic seems more accurate. Regardless, c’mon King, let’s play nice!

100% agree!

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No matter what you say later, remember that what you said has said it all.
It is impossible to imagine whether your friends and family will feel afraid or want to stay away from you when they know that you have such thoughts.

Don’t explain any more, frame others, look at my previous reply to you, you can’t answer all my questions, and you can’t provide evidence.

Losers who will only vent on the Internet, stop talking. I worry about your IQ.

Everything is fair.
Each of us should not curse others, but be kind to others, so that we may go to heaven instead of hell.

He will pay for his actions, even if he is a false believer for God.

Dear Friends,

Now we work at home and if you need the quote for any equipment, you could tell me or DM me, then i can send the quotation to you.

For production time and delivyer time, i will tell u during our communication.

Welcome to your DM and inquiry sir

1) Hemp extraction centrifuge

The Latest Hemp ethanol extraction centrifuge for sale CannaBusiness

Hello Everyone, I am manufacturer from China that has been producing and selling equipment for many years. Now there is the latest hemp oil extraction centrifuge; pls see following specification: jacketed centrifuge Floodable Control panel Drum volume is from 15L to 860L. Drum speed is from 2000rpm to 950rpm. NO LEAD TIME! A LARGE STOCK!! FAST DELIVERY Waiting for your DM for more details ( price, lead time , other info ), and i will reply to you immediately. [PIC_20190808_144208862] [

2) Falling fim evaporator ( From 50L/H to 200L/H )

Good price for Falling film evaporator CannaBusiness

Good day Everyone, Good day everyone!! I am manufacturer from China and has been making lasb equipment many years. For falling film evaporator, there are 20L/H, 50L/H, 100L/H, 150L/H and 200L/H. Except FFE, we can make ethanol storage tank, centrifuge, rotovap, wiped film and so on. you can see my post in my profile and will know more. pls see following pictures for FFE and if you want to know more, pls DM and i will send the quotation to you. [1%20(1)%20] [400L%20%E5%AE%9E%E7%89%A9]

3) Rotary evaporator ( From 2L to 100L )

4) Short path distillation ( From 2L to 20L )

5) wiped film/molecular distillation

6) jacketed glass/stainless steel reactor, ethanol storage tank

7) Chiller/ vacuum pump

My contacting info:
*My email:
Whatsapp:+86 15037171596
Instagram: terry_lanphan

Pls DM me and i will send the quotation to you.

Basic Google can save customers from bad product and lies about sellers delivery.

You aren’t able to ship anything. Why do you lie to people. Your docks are shut down. Ships aren’t even allowed to dock your ports. For weeks it will be like this or months with no end in need sight.

Since your country is lying to you, here’s some truth

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Dm me a price for a 50L rotovap. Rotovap only, NO chiller or vac pump needed.
