1000+ pounds per shift hydrocarbon extractors

Like the yellowstone FFe!


Hold up. Are you saying you can make distillate from raw material in one run with no post processing?

Or c02

Upgrade to all passive and get shit made for 1.5" recovery or a hydrocarbon FFE. Imo, if youā€™re not regulated by a company donā€™t bother with pumps and learn about passive :octopus::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: passive all the way!!!.. Well ig itā€™s good to have pumps and coils just in case of shit happening but still!!!

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buddy I am regulated by the state of Michigan and the NFPA have you read NFPA chap 1 sec 38 in full?


Iā€™ve run up to 420 pounds a shift, doing a double shift using a magnanimous 90 from purge labs(700-800#/day). The ASME version of the 90 looks stupid hard to pack and unpack and the system isnā€™t designed as well as other smaller systems meaning youā€™re looking at a beast crude machine. Also had a fleet of MVP pumps doing the recovery. Absolutely would not suggest for live or anything nice.

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I really like six inch columns

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Works like a champ, ghetto chiller tech


2,000 lbs bio to crude in 14 hrs with purge equipment.


That whole goddamn book is a nightmare to navigate.

Whatā€™s worse? Every fire marshal has a different take on ever part of it. Harrison Townships fire marshal outsources the inspections (heā€™s like 80ā€¦ shit you notā€¦ but cool as hell). They are they easiest township Iā€™ve ever had the pleasure of dealing with. Even down to their clerk.


No I think heā€™s saying that you can use it to make crude that goes to post processing to become distillate. Not directly from the machine. As opposed to pouring a finished product (live resin) direct from the machine.

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I have been informed that BFS was handling cannabis now and that local marshalls have been directed to forward this work directly to them

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We just went through it in November for our grow (albeit, a lot less stringent), but that wasnā€™t the case then.

But, our attorneys have said a lot of changes are dropping this month.

Hear about some municipalities wanting air handler reports on what you off has through your exhaust yet? Warren nailed Gage with itā€¦ put their processing back till May or June now.

Find something and stick with it.

Thanks. I was like how is this going on and I donā€™t even know about it. Appreciate it. That makes sense.

Yeah BFS does not care about your grow


Youā€™re correct, BFS runs the show now.


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So in Cali lancaster required us to get a oxidizer. The exaust of the booth had to be burned off through this oxidizer. Problem is the oxidizer is ment for massive loads of hydrocarbons and uses the hydrocarbons to keep the heat up. Otherwise you just use a shit load of gas to keep is going. Took us 1 year fighting with aqmd. Their main reason was to prevent more than 1000 pounds of butane offgassing from our building a month originally thatā€™s all we were allowed. The oxidizer made it to where we could use unlimited amounts of butane in our building. Luckily I was able to convince them that the amount of natural gas that was being burned was more harmful to the environment then a few thousand pounds of butane being off gassed a month. Unfortunately the oxidizers cost just under $1 million purchase and install a door in the area that canā€™t even be removed anymore so essentially the city let us spend 1 million bucks just to later say youā€™re right you didnā€™t need it


I just did some homework. Brand new utilizing Prochiller 30.2hp m45, Huber 915W, and pairing with two Mokon 36kw heaters (and USA built, all columns and Exergy heat exchangers) I can hit over 1,000 dry lbs/ 8 hr shift efficiently with my system design while maintaining overall quality. And using all Swagelok components, youā€™ll be in or around $375k.

Going the Chinese route for steel (using 316L stainless) I get get it done for around $325k. The biggest budget request would be the $210k for the chilling and heating options. But, going used, it could be far less. And the system would be Certified at that cost.

It would have to be laid out in a BizzyBee format (talking about how he does the multi-racks). And you would probably need 3 people to run it. One person on the solvent and material side. The other person on the utility and expansion side. While the other is solely packing and weighing socks. And exchanging out the waste. Recovery speeds would be well above 12lbs/min and you could throw the recovery line back into the second side of material columns to speed things up and always have a side of material columns being exchanged out. Less nitrogen in the process is being used. System can also do an awesome job at live material.

ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦less labor. :sweat_smile:
Swagelok consult


The monstrosity of collection pots and rotating columns are all made by or should i say imported by purge labs.