1000+ pounds per shift hydrocarbon extractors

Which companies currently offer a true, turnkey Behemoth sized extractor?

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@IlluminatedExtractor owns one called the behemoth.


Define hydrocarbon? There’s many forms out there :wink:

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LPG - im not pulling any sort of @extraktLAB marketing ploys like trying to confuse people into thinking ethanol is a hydrocarbon solvent


My local inspector was very adamant that ethanol is LPG. I explained how it wasn’t and he then explained to me how fire works.

A much needed refresher course I might add.


Quote of the month material right here!


Holy fucking shit is this what i am in for in Michigan?

This is gonna be a wild ride

You’re telling me that the fire marshalls were trained by @extraktLAB ? No wonder they have no idea what they are talking about!


Ours, for heptane, was really impressed with how we set it up. Said first he’s seen like it.

That being said….

He showed some worry with the lack of knowledge in the field for inspectors and classifications of solvents.


I’m sure this is how that conversation went….



Can you imagine the coronary inspectors would have if they seen the shit hemp guys did ?

Incoming defibrillator :zap: :zap: :zap:


The what inspectors?

In Nevada, the local fire marshall showed up every few weeks to accept large cash donations



Inspector who?

Never seen a one for extraction.

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I think the better question is who is ready to drop over a million dollars for industrial chilling capable of keeping that much solvent cold?

This really is the scaleability problem of most cryo extractions. The freakin utility costs get crazy real quick. No surprise the market isn’t ready for a million dollar giant extractor that also requires a million dollar industrial chiller that still might not get them where they want.

Y’all need to realize that subzero process chilling at scale is something that is pretty niche in the chemical processing world. Cannabis is really the only industry I can think of that has this wide a need for it.


The @IlluminatedExtractor one uses evaporative cooling and is like 500k if I remember correctly. For everything. If I’m misquoting this number please correct me.

Never got a price on just there cooling system. But I would be interested in where it comes in at…


The Johnson Controls chiller tech that works on our industrial chiller was flabbergasted when I told him what temps we were running. He’s the only chiller tech in like a 500 mile radius and had never seen anyone trying to run temps that low.


I just checked the website and I see no mention of it including chilling, only a “utility compressor”. I don’t want to shit all over their setup, because using evaporative cooling is a really slick concept that helps the energy requirements. That being said, you’re still limited in what evaporative cooling can actually achieve. Generally you’re limited by the phase-change temperatures of whatever you’re evaporating (in this case Butane or some other light hydocarbon). Propane could potentially get you there because its BP is around -40F, but the heavier hydrocarbons like i and n-butane wouldn’t because their BPs are between 10-30F.


Maybe he will chime in, he has went into it a few times on other threads on the forum.

Tag him one more time @IlluminatedExtractor

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The Behemoth is our flagship and largest model extractor. It comes in two sizes, 100#/hr and 300#/hr extraction capacity. It started as a hemp machine but is now in operation running cannabis and features our thermal control system, capable of +50c to -50c transitions in mere minutes.

Our patent pending refrigeration tech is like nothing else in the world. We compared it to traditional chillers and co2 for a cost savings analysis to find we are over 90% more efficient than both chillers and co2.

The R600 can move up to 35lbs of solvent per minute and the R800 model up to 80lbs per minute propane, or a little over half that for pure butane. We typically run a 15:1 or 20:1 with propane and is what our numbers are based on.

As a stand-alone base model we have it priced under $100k as it is intended to replace expensive chillers and co2.

To be able to maintain chilled (10x) 6x48 columns below -60c with 17 amps of power is insane!

What we have is a new method of refrigeration never seen before.



We work with Johnson Controls for industrial HVAC and chilling on a lot of our pharma clean room projects. I’ve had very similar interactions with them when discussing cannabis applications. :joy: :joy:


Thanks for the info!

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