Xylem X3 Cart Filler

Does anyone have experience with the Xylem X3 automated cart filling and capping system? Wondering how cost effective it is.

Did you try the search feature?


Yes I searched first and did not find the information I wanted. Most of the results are just replies from the manufacturer. Or just a quick mention that it exists, nobody actually sharing any experience or cost.

Did you explicitly ask the folks stating they run one any clarifying questions?

Or if responding in the threads in which you found some information seems too chaotic, did you tag them into your thread?

Hey, I read you’ve got one of these…how do you like it?!?

I agree there is not a LOT of information on that machine here.

Just pointing out how to leverage what you found…

So what do you wanna know?

Based on your search, who should you ask?!?


I suspect you’ve made an incorrect assumption here…

Can you point to one?

Because I don’t recall seeing the manufacturer here at all.


I’ve made a bit of an assumption there bc I don’t know how this forum works. But often when I was looking there was a “summarized” thing that just had links to the manufacturer.

The comments I’ve found were on older threads by one user. I’ve messaged the user directly about it, although the goal of this thread was to see if there was more than just one person with direct experience with this specific machine.

We love it. Most of the time.

Posting DM’s is generally bad form, but you mentioned that you might have missed the distinction so I’m going to respond here instead of DM, and quote you to get folks context…

Very few hardware defects. We have had a couple of blind (no hole) mouth pieces. Reads as a blocked cart. Except it’s not. I don think we’ve had but two come back for that.

Yeah, it will occasionally break a cart. Usually because it made it through upside down. Or got stuck because there was hash somewhere it shouldn’t be.

Press on only. At least that is my assumption, I certainly wouldn’t want to design a machine that did both. Customization at the factory to set it up for one OR the other seems possible. Press on is far easier to implement…


Press on is great if you’re just tooling for your own production. If you’re white labeling or offering cart filling solutions, it certainly helps to offer both.

I see on their site where it mentions screw on, so now I’m curious what one of these costs.


I agree their website says it will do them.

The one we have would require replacement of the station doing the capping to change to screw on caps.

So I’m gonna stick with “can be set up at the factory…” rather that “can switch at will”….which is what most users would mean when they ask “can do both?”.

They do offer screw on capabilities, and the last time I talked to them they are in the process of making a system that can do both.