WNC THCP? How real could this be?

A smart person consults both sides and then makes a decision. Do your research hear the other side of the discussion or believe someone who has motivation nor say the truth. I could care less at this point we my option is taking the client to court no options there.

I’m good with that ill save it for court

Great, we’ll test that JWH-018 for you next time you need it.

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I’m not lilbeling anyone I’m saying client one said things you’re not aware of.

And I can say optics look questionable since that’s not libel

I hope you see what your optics look like every post you post makes everyone question why a big lab is being so petty its almost like your feelings are hurt. I have explained that multiple times the more you post the more I think there is more to this story. The truth will come out every transaction client has done will be tracked I hope your attacks don’t have the motivation I think they do.


All this talk about optics…you’d think somebody actually cared about what you have to say.

The real optics are the conspiracy theorist ramblings I keep reading from one thread to another.


31% and he changes stories about what makes up the rest.


I’m sorry but it’s hard to recover from spice and then dog someone with a real thcp sample because the relationship didn’t work out. I can imagine chasing two different chemists for one cannabinoid is a challenge. It just continues upon the initial thcp concerns that ended up being problems.

Then trying to dog the lab that sent free leads because who wouldn’t if they just tested a new noid.

Read the room.

If you saw the post that was erased you would see that we were partners not a broker. Client took the spice and tried to reverse engineer it that’s how it was found it was bullshit I have ton of proof of this however it will be considered doxing



Yeah, save it for the probono attorneys. If they won’t take it probono and they charge. You’re probably not getting anything other than a bill.

Luckily you are not a lawyer because I have shown what I have and been told we have a rock solid case.since we owed about 40k currently and that numbers growing.

You got the Attorney probono contract then


So you’re here why then? Clearly not heeding any council

Only during the largest legal backup ever. Lmk how long you hold your breath…


We’re paying for it . I’ll be here and everywhere else all week till everyone actually knows the truth about what’s going on. We have been working on this project for about a year. Trust me justice will be served

I think you’d do yourself more justice putting that $ in a cryptocurrency and checking it in 3 years because you’re not going anywhere on this fast. Paying attorneys to work in their boxers for zoom meetings with 5 minute slots to reconvene every month. Lol

Evictions maybe you should look at 4 years

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There are faster options.

Good luck. Seems like an uphill battle. Speaking as someone who has been in a verbal partnership and walked away from that path and also as someone who’s known when to hold out 3+ years for my win. If you’re invested in an attorney, I find they’re not invested in you as much as a probono (sure win confident case) attorney. Who wins a % versus runs the clock.