I also run a 2" Pope and here is what they suggested. Some of the parameters need adjusting depending on your situation but this has been a tremendously helpful starting point.
"Below are some guidelines to get you close enough that you can fine tune your process as necessary. This may not be applicable to other short-path system either. In those cases, there are numerous design differences that can influence optimal processing conditions. Even changes in your feedstock from batch to batch will vary your conditions.
Assuming you do 3 passes, the guidelines are as follows: (This is for the 2” Still, a 4” is about 3x faster rate)
All flows around the same ~250-350 g/hr (some have reported much higher). Temperature and pressure have everything to do with starting concentration, what your goals are, and what you are trying to drive off.
The first pass typically has trace lights, water, etc.) No need for anything g more than weak vacuum (~50-80 Torr), and 80-110C. The condenser only need to be at 25-35. The external condenser you may want to keep cold to capture lighter components.
The second pass is often skipped by folks in your industry. Or the first depending on how you look at it. Here you are looking at mid cut terpenes. Perhaps 1-5 Torr and 120-140C. you will need to optimize this on your end. Condenser at 70C
The last pass is the simplest. Same flow, same condenser temp. The prevailing vapor pressure of the material will be higher than your greatest achievable vacuum. Basically you will want to get as much vac as you can, this should be anywhere from 50-600 mTorr. Start your process here. You will see vacuum getting weaker as you distill and generate more vapors (vapor pressure). This will reach an equilibrium which varies based on your material and how well you did steps 1 and 2. In most cases, you ought to see the vacuum level off between 300-600 mtorr. If you start creeping up to 1 Torr and beyond, step 1 and 2 were fails.
If this is clear as mud or you have any other questions, just let me know.
NOTE: many in your industry have worked this down to 2 steps (combining 1 and 2), and in some cases only one pass through. The trade-off here is purity and color. More passes will give you a compound that is higher in cannabinoid concentration and a much “clearer” look to it. Many have found that the time for more passes hasn’t been worth it (time is money). This would really depend on what the final product is or what your customer is looking for."