I use a chemical duty pump, it can handle all kinds of things. Your asperator should serve you similarly. You can cold boil with your asperator, the idea is you want a pump that won’t be damaged by vapor. If your pump is a water stream there is no risk to your pump, plus won’t require a trap. The only downside is you will loose all your alcohol.
If I replace that surgical tube for the b. Funnel to a vacuum line that won’t collapse, then turn my water pressure up as high as it will go, I have no regulator! Will this help about purging without using my pump? Just curious to know thing
Every time I go above about 60psi it the hose collapses… Would vacuum line create harder vac with unregulated water pressure
yes. replacing the hose that is collapsing under the vaccum you’re generating would allow you to access more vacuum depth from your water aspirator.
Yeah, up to a point. Cold water helps too.
density? so 4C is ideal??
I am wondering if anyone has taken a seriou swhack at trying to remove wax and oleoresins centrifically?
The biodiesel guys have centrifuges, DIY, commercial, and industrial versions.
Here’s a kitchen centrifuge, but it’s not cheap,
I certainly used a sorval RC1 at -15C to do my winterizatiions in while 1500ml was the max I needed to process at a time. It cost me $1000 off eBay. My suggestions on scaling went unimplemented :-(.
The open source WVO fuge was high on the list…
I’m not certain a Hobart would be up for the task unmodified, but most of the other centrifuges and dryers mentioned over on the salad spinner & CUP threads would seem sufficient with the right filter media
I’m wondering if anyone here can help me put this puzzle together.
We are doing cryo ethanol extraction (-80C, never warmer than -50C) with n-heptane denatured ethanol. Our first batch of 10,000 lbs was all hammermilled and about a year old. We tried winterizing this stuff with both the denatured ethanol and methanol — nothing precipitated out.
I didn’t expect the denatured ethanol to do anything anyway, because if fats/waxes/whatever are soluble during cry extraction, why would they not be soluble sitting in a freezer under the same conditions? I did however expect something to happen with the Methanol, but no.
I know the distillate from the hammermill batch has waxes in it because when we do a tincture manufacturing run, I can see the waxes precipitate out once the distillate is fully dissolved in the MCT. The waxes get filtered out before the mix is used. Is there a better way to deal with this?
We finished that big batch of hemp and now we have A LOT of fresh, recently harvested hemp from my dad’s farm in NC. This stuff is all flower, some sticks and stems, around 16% CBD. Much more fresh than the hammermill batch. Although this new material seems to be much higher quality, the required cleanup is something I wasn’t expecting.
I think we have a lot of gum…? It’s impossible to distill, the residue side just comes out looking like poop. So we tried the citric acid experiment which you’re supposed to follow up with winterizing and then move on to louche. But, of course, nothing happened during winterizing!
I’ve done @Beaker 's washing experiment on this crude and removed a ton of what I think is fat… I then took that hexane:cannabinoid solution and threw it in the -80 to winterize, but again, nothing happened except that my cannabinoids separated out of the hexane I guess due to solubility issues at that temp.
And then I see these posts where everyone’s like hey look at my golden crude oil from cryo ethanol extraction and…mine doesn’t look like that. It’s super red and while it looks pretty, it’s not golden.
Does someone have a procedure for how to treat post-cryogenic ethanol extraction crude before WF distillation?
There is a lot of knowledge floating around and I’ve definitely done my fair share of reading, it’s just not clear when or why I have to perform certain procedures in order to clean up the crude. I’m willing to do it all, I just need a teacher or at least some direction on how to proceed.
Any help is always appreciated.
Maybe this thread will be helpful:
This was incredibly helpful !!!
Thank you x100000
not certain those are “waxes” falling out when you go into MCT.
a) I would expect waxes to be more soluble in oil that alcohol
b) it was sugars that ppt out of my cryo-ethanol when I transferred to MCT
Based on others reports, I’d even suggest that your problem with the new stuff is sugars too. There should be plenty of info around here on “ethanol crystals”…most of which are not THCa
that would make sense because no matter what we did to winterize, nothing happened. And there was some “gum” in the crude that this distillate was made from, but not enough to cause any problems so we never attempted to remove it.