Why do you need to Winterize?

I’ll google methanol winterizing as soon as I have a chance to sit at the PC unencumbered :stuck_out_tongue:

You can’t find “why you need to winterize”?!?

TryLooking in you filters…If there is nothing there, your buddy was right. Otherwise, you can see for yourself why

You obviously have some idea HOW To winterize.

I would posit what you’re looking for are ways to avoid winterizing. Or ways to winterize at room temp.

No idea what you actually searched for, but highly recommend trying (just click!!) the following



Great info and yes you’re correct. My wording of the question was poor. Not my best quality. I’ll look at those links.

That is a testable hypothesis:

Up your game and TEST it!!

Do you get anything on your filters?

Try extracting cold…get anything on your filters?


Don’t do that. Search here!!

(Which you can do with google if you insist… methanol winterization site:future4200.com - Google Search)


Just gonna leave this one here…Why winterize?

Etoh blast
Cryo buchner funnel (make the cake as follows- ((bottom to top)) celite 545, alumnium oxide 220 grit).

The AO will stop cryo cold etho waxes and your left with a great winterized etoh product.


I like the Aesthetic appeal when loaded into a Vape cart. Plus a product that is free of impurities with re-introduced terpenes will be viscous enough for straight loading. It makes for a potent cart. When I started making this stuff I was led astray by promises of perfect vape carts using this or that emulsifier. This way produces a much better result.

And since it’s for myself, why should I settle for less? :stuck_out_tongue:

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Heads up: sounds like you’ve got viscosity backwards…

Honey is viscous
Water is not.

(…and that was a clickable link…not a question)


yea but they coagulate into globs


What’s the final product? Are you distilling?What’s your extraction method?
In some cases you don’t need to winterize

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So I start with an Open Blast BHO using a Purified Butane. I purge it in warm water over time until the reactions seem to stop. I’ll dissolve that product in Ethanol and freeze for 24 hours. I then filter the solution through a 0.22u filter and begin to purge.

To purge, I use a heated plate in open air at 40c, with a silicon cup with the Ethanol solution inside. The cup is in a pot with some water covering it half way. It’s a slow purge but not as slow as just using room temp fan.

With my purge, which is crude and pretty unorthodox in todays climate of methodology; I notice decarboxylation occurring at some point. The temps are just too high but any lower will cause the product to thicken to an unworkable consistency. At some point I will reintroduce about 2 to 3% Botanical Terps (I am having lots of trouble finding Cannabis derived terps where I am).

The end product is very nice. But, even I will admit, it is not purged properly. No way to test it.

Nose burn was an indicator someone told me about but fresh rosin burns my nose too with the heavy thc content so… who knows.

I then load that product into a Vape Cart ie. a 510 threaded CCELL.

Yup lol you’re correct! I did have it backwards

The fuck you mean why need to winterize?!?!?

I worded the title so very poorly. I was really looking for a way to avoid Winterizing or Winterize very fast. I know WHY I Winterize. I love a purified product for one thing…

That’s how I got started 2 in 18 in dewaxing column with a filter on one end open blast pretty much just let everything freeze 2 hours on dry ice you got it wasn’t till later till I started building an extractor

Friend,I understand your thoughts, you can skip the winterize process, if you don’t have this process, the extraction will be very simple, but removing impurities is a waste of time for you, I suggest you take a pre-cooling solution

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You’ve been listening to wooks again haven’t you?

Was it the same well informed individual that told you

Ignore them. Or tell them flat out that they’re idiots and you’d prefer they kept their broscience to themselves :shushing_face:

Most rosin will have lower thc content than most EHO or BHO, because the fats and waxes come along for the ride with rosin (until you get more sophisticated with the pressing regimen).

If you want your extract purged, you either need vacuum or a large mirror.

If you pour your extract into a thin film (only surface tension to contain it) you can purge to shatter with just a fan.


You can change it…


Soooo…how much are you actually filtering out with your syringe filter?

Not wanting to inhale that which you are catching in there IS why you need to winterize.

Have you tried skipping that step?

I personally find winterized extracts are a smoother vape, and leave my lungs less upset with the fact I’m huffing my meds. Your mileage may vary, but I find winterizing is an appropriate response for quality personal meds.