Why Are People Still Making Shatter?

I’m like that with my meth


Thats why I make my own. Can’t trust no-one

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Shake and bake babyimage


90$/ half-a-gram disty darts down here in MA at some dispos vs the 35$/half grams of shatter I should mention it’s been the same pricing for the past 7 years for both

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Need to start getting all my ideas tatted onto my legs so I don’t forget



180 a g for disty?

They charging retail medible prices


You should ask if they need any new vendors and make some money


$180 a gram?

Time to make the new low $120 a gram

EDIT 95$/GR NOT HALF GRAM I’m sorry about that

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Still gonna charge $120 a gram

Still retarded. In cali I’m ready to kill the next person that asks for 2 a g

Appearantly shatter is worth like 10 cents a gram these days


If it’s recreationally yes they most certainly will

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Thats fucked up

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moving this conversation to the prices thread | If the mods wanna fork the comments made about prices to the thread bmg :octopus:

Conversations don’t need to be moved if they are relevant to the OP


with the shatter comes 12 to14 hour purge sometimes i check the oven and the purge would stop and sit too long and nuke out it use to bum me me out, now it’ll be like right on.

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Sugar slabs are fun

It could be a good use for some of the goop

Pour into a pan, put press and seal on the lid and put in in an oven under decent heat, agitate once or twice a day and you’ll have it done in 3 days and sometimes less. If you wanna speed that up sprinkle some thca in the pan and agitate a little more.
Or if you wanna spend some more labor on it agitate while heating until it crashes out and have it ready for purge the same day your pour.

