Sure looks like you replied to warbucks, and even if you did reply to cyclo, it was obvious by just reading he’s ran one.
But you do you, who gives a shit if some internet person thinks your childish.
Sure looks like you replied to warbucks, and even if you did reply to cyclo, it was obvious by just reading he’s ran one.
But you do you, who gives a shit if some internet person thinks your childish.
I prefer this motto
Yep. It would require re-reading your posts, and while I like the design choices you made on your extractor, the tone and attitude of your posts means that’s not actually worth my while.
You could absolutely have disagreed with “I think it can be managed with extant programming” without taking offense at “I think I can” or resorting to calling names.
In fact it would then have been the thoughtful discussion you claim to miss.
Instead you are coloring your responses with an interaction that you THINK I had with your partner and making and ass out of yourself in the process.
I did not offer said SOP. I do not recall being asked if I could teach it. I may have pointed your partner in the direction of someone who does have that SOP. I was not involved in a discussion on pricing.
The brush you are trying to paint me with simply doesn’t work. I’ve taught said consultants D8 process once upon a time. Spent a week learning it from another of his clients before doing so. Made sure the client who hired me was aware I was just following grandma’s recipe, and had in-house analytics before flying out there. They were more than happy with the results.
Your partner may have been introduced to me. I in no way solicited the sale of said SOP, or implied any relevant expertise other than 30 years in academic research labs following (and extending) the work others.
Now that you’ve made donkeys out of both of us, I’m gonna go find some grass.
Depends how you go about it.
leading with “LOL, you’ve clearly never done this” was a great start.
Guessing I’d never run one was ill informed given how long ago I bought the damn thing up around here.
It puts the Cannabis in the tube, & then it walks away again
And I kind of thought
Was a dead giveaway…
what’s the console for the luna like? I feel like that’s gonna be the future of the industry, console operated, pneumatic control valves, probably larger columns/vessels with 300 series flanges instead of tri-clamp
At some point when/if things get that big, how would the material columns be oriented?
Would people still be running these big ass columns vertically?
Silly question maybe, but just trying to imagine what a giant rig like that would look like.
I would imagine flooding/soaking full vessels would be the way going forward, I doubt packed columns would be as viable at scale
at least as far as mids for the masses goes
Under powered at the moment. Needs more processing power to get more sophisticated. Have some opinions on what needs changed. Have shared those with those capable of changing them, and feel like I’m being heard.
Usually go though @thesk8nmidget because my comm style has occasionally set bridges on fire while I’m trying to collaborate on how to build them correctly. Whoops.
Wish I had video of their engineers wide eyes for two hr straight during our in person interaction.
With me struggling to tone it the fuck down the entire time.
@Sirsmokesalot this brings back up “extant programming”, I absolutely admit that having watched their engineer understand as he was told in no uncertain terms how an automagic CRC should be plumbed and controlled, I tend to think of that as “near line” and part of the beta I will be running. I agree it’s NOT. yet.
It should be before OB1 is plugged into the (larger than stock) heater and chiller we are currently using on the IO (so yeah I had those pieces of the puzzle). Teaching it to thermo-regulate may not yet be on the short list, because there was a LOT of information downloaded, but it HAS been requested more than once. Thank you for the reminder. See: needs more CPU to extend much.
given the parts you know she’s got (temp/pressure/valves/pump) how would you implement “thermoregulation”?
Eg so she wouldn’t let your pour get too warm if you got distracted by your phone (we can haz her on our phone too!)?
You want me to agree she got warts? Sure. Why no audible notifications? Do I have to implement that myself? Maybe. playing red light/green light/hash! seems to work well enough at the moment.
When someone tells me I can’t. My first response is ALWAYS to explore that.
These are the rules. This is the math. There are no other solutions.
And I reckon you agree with that sentiment… Did I guess right?!?
So why am I a clown that has obviously never run a Luna, or a butane FFE, or made D9 using any of the SOPs I can have for free because those who actually know me are willing to share freely with me…because I do the same.
That’s how you learn new shit.
Would you like to take this nonsense elsewhere?
what would you have the title be?
“how to FFE your Luna and void your PE stamp in one easy lesson”.
Or it can stay right where it is. Because I’m certainly discussing my favorite rig and making excuses for why.
If you want to go number for number the only thing that truly matters is your cost per gram for bulk extracts or cost per gram of packaged and labeled single grams.
What’s your average costs to produce one gram of extract?
I would argue the ratio between wholesale price to retail versus cost to produce is more important, coupled with scale
Gotta keep it intergrated…
It absolutely is, so we have essentially designed our business model to be profitable at the lowest wholesale price and we’re so far quite successful, and as we bring more brands to market we can essentially increase our product margins by selling at multiple tiers of quality levels.
Currently everyone buying our stuff if getting mids or higher quality at bottom shelf prices and our customers couldn’t be happier.
even I can sell folks with those rules…nah seriously, I actually said exactly that to someone who asked me about hash only yesterday!
Its always about the numbers, they don’t lie.
If you mod your stamped machine and the PE isn’t there to see it before you remove the mod, is it really void?
All that really matters is if the insurance company writes the check if something bad happens. Everything is just CYA and liability mitigation.
N.B.OLER out of Bend, Oregon
I’m late to this but it was a good thread. With a little bickering, as would be expected…
Automation obviously saves on labor. Luna has done a good job focusing on the niche of automation in the industry. But automation alone doesn’t make it better. Everything has pros and cons.
I had a few people tell me that they still have to guide the process along with the PLC , they aren’t turning valves but they are always pushing buttons. Not sure what models or year they got their system. They had issues with liquid level sensors that was leaving behind yield, (that probably could be fixed). Also mentioned that when something breaks the whole system is down until that one thing is fixed.
I have no personal experience with a Luna though.
For Bizzybee, we like to provide options for scale, cooling/heating methods, recovery style, infrastructure needs, etc. Co2 cooling our systems in the most manual process, but any of our systems can be run on chillers for low temp cooling and recovery. Chillers replacing liquid co2 is a step toward automation and drastically reduces labor. There are large systems in the field being ran on chillers that is operated by 1 person.
I did notice in one calculation the luna operator is making $20 an hour while the bzb operator is making $30. I guess this is saying the manual system operator has to be more skilled and thus gets paid more then an automated system operator? Hard to make that calculation sense every state has different wages and operating costs.
One of our strongest features is the versatility and modularity. Someone can get a smaller LCO2 cooled single rack system and upgrade it to a chiller cooled Multi rack system over time, increasing production and efficiency. Versatility allows for different cooling, heating, and recovery styles.
Last thing I’ll say is I got love for all the extractor makers out there, (and all the operators of course). We all have different aspects that would be a deal or a deal breaker. The quality of the hardware, the ancillary equipment, the customer support, cleaning, maintenance, efficiency, etc. many things to consider.
This thread has mainly been about automation, I’d like to see what other features and aspects people think are important.
I unfortunately feel under 1% of labs want to pay their hydrocarbon extractor anywhere near $30 an hour. Based off what ive been seeing