This comment is super loaded. You’d be shocked how many businesses make mistakes of hiring someone and they end up making less bc they didn’t evaluate the skills of said person prior to hiring on that “budget”.
Really talk the best businesses hire cheap and then increase huge bonuses and salaries when employees prove thier worth and profitability.
Make sure there’s stock involved i read in the original post. Lmao an employee that I’m paying to learn, what to me years to learn working for free, I’m supposed to give stock to. Lmao sounds like some bullshit lol now if someone is worth it then maybe, but the question is that if they are capable of recieving compensation as a shareholder would, then why don’t they have their own company they are building?
Yea it’s not right to give away equity or value like that. If there’s a onsite accident or a injury or anything the person on paper with ownership get sued. Not the “benefactors”. They can bounce out and not be held liable. That’s a huge reason. Why not to give out stock or equity. They won’t pay a dollar when shit hits the fan.
There are many cartel shit here in Oregon. Drive down the wrong road east off i5 and dudes patrol mountain gardens like taliban armed in the back of trucks. My friends legal medical property was aborted when the neighboring property was about 4k 100 gallon plants with many armed Mexicans. So I dunno. But it exists if you’re in the wrong area.
People here only patrol there own property like that, which is justified and your right if that’s what you wanna do lol. You won’t find it on the county roads though. Sheriffs in my area would pull someone like that over ASAP lol
People with guns is the norm, large groups riding around in the back of trucks with tons of guns would draw attention pretty quickly lol
Every employer I’ve ever heard say “you’ll get a big raise after you prove yourself” has been full of crap. You get what’s in your contract and if your employer lowballs you at first they’re not likely to be any more generous in the future. I’ve also found places like that have awful turnover due to every good employee they ever had leaving in frustration.
Really? In every other industry I’ve dealt with that’s kind of the understood structure unless it’s a scheduled raise type deal. You get hired and they pay you more to avoid having to find a replacement. The better you are/the harder you are to replace, the more they’re willing to pay to make sure you don’t leave. That’s pretty much it
In every other industry, they probably actually do that. In this industry, my experience is people saying they’ll do that and then not actually doing it.
My helper started in the field. I brought him in to the lab after harvest with a $2/hr raise. I just gave him another $2/hr raise because he deserves it, not because I needed to to keep him. Some employers say commiserate with job performance and mean it…
Keep in mind, it’s expected you’ll get raises if you do a good job. I’m talking more about people who give a truly laughable starting wage and then are claiming you’ll get a huge bonus down the road. If you work in say an established tech company, sure, there is the expectation of getting raises, but also, they’ll pay a reasonable market wage to start.
Even the expected raises don’t always come when working with cannabis. @MagisterChemist has clearly described my entire experience in legal cannabis (BM, med, rec, and hemp). This is why I am leaving the industry.
I’ve been promised that my sweat equity will pay off by every company I’ve worked for. I’ve never been started at an appropriate wage for my qualifications, experience, or work ethic. 90+ hour work weeks, being the first to show up and the last to leave, and always outperforming expectations has been met with the reminder that “Every employee is replaceable, and if you don’t want to do it, there’s plenty of people lined up to take your job for less and perform as well.”
I love making medicine, and I am damn good at it. What do I have to show for it, though? Nothing but my ability to work well with cannabis from seed to sale. That hasn’t been paying my bills as of late and shows no signs of changing any time soon.