What is the best hydrocarbon on the market?

I like hexane. It’s the angriest.


Angrier than pentane? That’s my favorite angry hydrocarbon


pentane is like lazily angry. “I want to be the biggest baddest mofo of an alkane but I just can’t handle all this damn THCa!”



Lol… I think they’re looking for Butane. They want to know the best Butane to blast with that’s clean. Look most people are going to tell you to distill your Butane ANYWAY. But from what I’ve read, Puretane has very little residuals after testing and Whip It 5x Premium fractionally lower. By the sounds of things your runs are tiny so you shouldn’t have an issue.

Your method from this point is completely up to you and your reading. Open blasting is dangerous. There are reasons people get all uppity about it no matter how much you try to convince them it’s fine because some poor shmoe will read it’s fine, not have the same environment as you and kablamo.

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The Puretane that I tested had considerably more mystery oil than Instrument Grade 99.95% LPG, which is what I recommend. It actually measures 99.99% and after re-distillation measures 99.998% pure.


Shit I read a report on Skunkpharm website with testing numbers that came out fairly low. I mean in the lowest ranges. I must be mistaken…

I thought the answer to life was 42.


who’s counting?

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Life, the universe, and everything

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Mystery oil with no opinion just facts
Cleaning up Butane/Propane

Had to look it up myself lol


It’s 46 and 2.

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Dont use the kind you fill you torch with.

They contain benzene, xylene and toluene which are all carcinogenic

Use the big bottles from airgas etc

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lmao best hydrocarbon? Dodecane, final answer.

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Puretane is where it’s at for open blast.

I’ve tried vector, whip-it 420, capital-n butane, ronson, some Chinese fleet market stuff that was loaded with odorants and all those sucked ass for open blast.

As soon as I hit Puretane I found my go-to.

I mix whip it with puretane for cls but if and when I ever decide to do any kind of open blasting with a hydrocarbon, I go puretane.

But have you tried newport



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Lower than many, but not as clean as Instrument Grade. Here is an archive link to the SPR article and one to IC Mag, where Skyhighler did a best to worst comparison of more brands than we did.

Keep in mind that the standards for lighter fuel are different and can change without notice.

[BHO Mystery Oil | Skunk Pharm Research LLC]



Ah that was the research I was reading (Skunkpharm) when trying to find out more info about the residuals. While I wholeheartedly agree there are cleaner options, the quantities I would need are just too small. I am just crafting things at home. If I open blast it would be no more than a can. Hence why I look for things available via retail haha and try to come to a compromise in my mind