What are aspects of extraction/purification of cannabinoids that you wished you had a better grasp of?
What my exact vacuum is in the bf/main evap area
What exactly my espresso machine had in mind when it suggested it was the correct tool for the job?
That’d be kinda awesome if water could be used. But wouldnt oxidation be a worry?
That is certainly one of the big issues that people who play with water run into.
Seems like a super safe option though
If it was safe and cheap and easy and simple, that’s all anyone would be doing.
Yeah I’ve read a few of your posts here and there, safe but expensive initial investment and a hard/impossible process to do without the know how. Is that how you are processing now?
water is the future…lol
This is ringing true moreso everyday.
How do you reprogram the minds of extractors ?
Base extraction of rescorcinols goes back to the 1940s…
Of course the patents are meant to mislead you a bit. …
You can be sure that butane works but no theory.
@cyclopath waiting for that coffee…