Webcast: Affinity Cannabinoid Purification Set to Revolutionize the Industry

Join this webcast to learn about patented cannabinoid purification technology that targets and pinpoints specific cannabinoids directly from crude cannabis oil.

Affinity advanced technology solution allows you to skip many costly, time-consuming processes and the need for expensive, legacy chromatography. Affinity also reduces the heavy CAPEX and OPEX for producers, eliminates bottlenecks and increases overall yields.

In this webcast, we’ll speak with Jon Gluckman, CEO of Sixth Wave about the exciting technology and incredible opportunity Affinity presents for industry investors. Jon will give us an introduction to the science behind the technology, we’ll spend a few minutes talking about the company, and then we’ll open up the floor for questions from the audience.


membrane tek is the future

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Please send me the webcast link. Thanks

This OP seems to just be a spam post.


Am I wrong in thinking it looks like a fishing expedition to get as per the cannabis tech phrase “investors”. Rather than a product launch? Also what are the “capex” and “opex” that they are talking about?:thinking::face_with_monocle:

capital vs operational expenditures…

you know; big chiller vs dry ice every other day.


Membranes are likely the future for scaled production of distillates. I’m still pretty undecided on how good they are for high cananbanoid high terpene end product. Desolvating is excellent. Not really sure on the dewaxing/decoloring though.

They’re also not perfect systems (though no system is), and you end up with % efficincies involving residuals in your clean solvent. So pending on how strict your local cannabis laws are, they might not shine too well in multiple grower batch style production as you need to fully change solvent each run to avoid contamination (pesticides/residual cannabinoids/etc.)


I looked at these last year, I’m sure they do perform in some capacity and the membrane concept is totally the future.

The thing that turned me off was the media(beads) used to separate the cannabinoids in the cromofuge is their IP and if ya buy in, they become the only place for you to get the media. Media is sized for the cannabinoid your targeting.

Have you looked into filtering in OTHER ways? :wink:




we know the primary amino acid sequence that forms this pocket…

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How do we link to the webcast signup without links allowed on the post? Can anyone assist?

mod edit: you ask nicely. or wait till you’ve been here a little longer :wink:

A post was merged into an existing topic: Zeolite and polymer resins for THC remediation

there is a link to the signup behind @ScoobyDoobie’s post.

I have been packing heads with zeolites for quite a while now and
Only for color remediation if this has effect o. Cbd /thc ratio s i will be damned :grinning:

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if it acts as a “molecular dephlegmator” and only allows CBD through that would be insane


Yep last year crc tread started on jan 7
This year the new goal thc remediation
By means of mol sieves starts early :grinning:


Hello. We are very interested in explaining our pricing model to clearly show the advantages of using our technology over chromatography. I’ve set up a new thread to answer specific questions:

Sixth Wave Innovations - Affinity™ Technology - The Failed Pump and Dump of 2020