Water Clear D9

Hi Fam. Hope everyone is enjoying the week…

So I have a new goal in the lab and its to create Water Clear D9.

My question is there any methods that avoid chromatography? The reason is chromatography is slow.

-Keep roto under 35C
-Water Wash
-Quick Pass with Extremely Low Vacuum (torr rating?)
-Fresh Material (Bio) Only

Are these the key elements to achieve water d9? Is there anyone out there that can help with what is the best media, torr rating, LLE style or an easier method?

Can anyone link me to Breaking.Dabs tech his post had a ton of info I just cant find it again…Thanks guys.



What solvent are you using?

Crc butane to a distilled end product should be clear. If it’s clear going in it’s clear coming out.


Running a column is going to really help, it may even be required depending on starting material quality and if you are trying for water clear in volume r in a cart.

Heres your spoon.


Water wash, column work, balance wash. Distill with a ultra short head if it’s clean. Taller head with keybofnits still dirty.


Hmmm good point. Warm Heptane, I could dewax and send it through CRC but wont that be approx 1000g of media per 500g of crude oil?

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Yes volume.

Spoon City!!!

Thanks for the blessing bro. Breaking.dabs post there is epic I searched and searched… Respect

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Can you explain the column work are you talking regulst silicia/chrom media?

Can you also explain the tall head negative impact?

Man I added you into the original post!How could i forgot the king…Hope your doing well boss man!

Hes talking about running a column of whatever media you have found to work the best. but i would bet he is referring specifically to mag sil.


What’s your starting material?

Isolate can be isomerized and then scrubbed with t5 or carbon to get water clear, chroma is the easiest way though. D9 from thc always requires chroma unless you start from diamonds then you can just scrub it

Another thing, any cbd in the material will ruin your water clear

Quinone is super purple and even .1% will wreck color

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If you distill crc without washing first you’ll get a weird color usually, this has happened to me 3/3 times i didn’t balance PH after crc before distillation

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Im guessing you’re going for something like this?

Shoutout Columbo for these beauties


So take your crude. And bake it off, not full decarb but get off the initial volatiles. Basically dry the resin out if it’s full of solvent.

Then add hexane, pentane, heptane or similar non water soluble solvent.

Was it in acidic, then base, then neutral washes to remove the guns and similar stuff that locks up chroma columns.

Then when it’s balanced send it through magsil if you have pesticides or send it through silica 60 if you just need to strip it. Magsil will usually make the best water clear but when you’re done the ph will be fucked.

Anyways next take it back to washes and neutralize it.

Remove solvent.

Then distill. This process can yield like 97-99% d9 water clear. Part of this process was actually written back in the day in the shlussel key patent I wrote. This was the original 99% d9 process. I released this process a long time ago when I released the distillation key. This was actually the method patent that was written with the key.


This can be avoided by balancing the pH inline. It’s a bit of math but nothing crazy.


How can we do that? And what ph is needed?

You want your pH to be 7, you can get media with a range of pH. I can’t really be much more specific than that.


Thanks for the feedback

What’s the patent #?

Id love to learn how to do this kinda math

Any links to any resources that might be useful?


Has actual ratios instead of broad description


Whoever stealing screen shots and trying to sell this as there own is a fake

I know you’ve got an account on here lemme find out who you are