Using nitrogen from new recovery tank for push?

Okay few questions. Can I do a nitrogen push with a non stainless regular recovery tank? How much would it fabricate a 3" lid with the top injection port like they have with the bleed port and injection port?

I have a question. If I’m doing a nitrogen push from the top of the column how do I know when I’ve pushed all the solvent through and it’s nitrogen do I see a cloud of fog? Also when I do the push do I turn off my pump wait for the fog then bleed out of my recovery base? If so how much do I bleed off? Right till the pressure goes to zero?

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@Infoseeker: What temperature is your recovery base?

Can you tell us why that is important?

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My recovery base water is set to 36.5. And I’m not sure I understand what you want to know? Are you asking why it’s imporant to know the temperature? If your suggesting that my base is heating up my solvent creating to much pressure to allow the column to drain that’s not the problem I am having. I added a crc and my pump is pretty much pulling a vacuum while my column is at 50psi

@cyclopath, the writing is on the wall.

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In order to vent the nitrogen safely, you have to know that N2 is the ONLY gas present.**

That ONLY happens if your solvent is below its boiling point.

What pressure would you expect from your solvent at body temp?
When does it approach zero (so you can safely vent)?

You want I should spoon feed this? It’s #%^<,ing important.

** unless you’ve talked to @Dred_pirate or @FarmerJoeParker about scavenging the membrane from a Nitrogen generator. See Indofabs C.R.C & BHO Color Remediation Tek - #231 by Dred_pirate


Do you want it next day air? @cyclopath


I see your spoon, and raise…

or raze :wink:

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So I would need to chill it down to -40 to be able to do the n2 push.

if you’re using 100% PROPANE, yes.
Are you?

~0C will work for 100% butane.


doesn’t hurt to go a little lower to give yourself a safety margin.


-0f for 70/30 mix. My issue would be the water in my recovery freezing.

My solvent is chilled to -30c and my column is jacketed with dry ice/ethanol. So my solvent would be good for temperature my issue would I could only push half the needed solvent through before I would need to turn on my water bath or risk freezing. Unless I’m able to do multiple pushes

yes, that does seem problematic.
why do you have water in there?

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to heat it up and help with recovery. I never designed this. I was brought on by someone who didn’t know what they were doing who then taught me a bunch of wrong stuff then left.

ahh. water AROUND your recovery. not IN your recovery.

take it away. replace it with a dry ice/alcohol slurry. put it back once you’ve vented the N2.

with 50PSI in your column, it sounds like either you’re not at -30 or you’re not running the blend you think you are.

I might have to go out to the chopping block to challenge that thang. I been known to run some cold temps on my recovery tanks


Thanks a lot for the help! Well the chiller says -30 and who knows what % the gas really is that I’m getting.

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Do you have sight glasses on your rig?

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Where do I send the money?

I picked up as many crumbs as I can! LMAO…

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Yes I do