Using and Abusing logos

Your comment just made my day! HAHAHAHA!

How are you going to have benzene in your final product when its a gas at the temps and pressures we distill at?

Did you really just ask that?

Boiling point: 176.2°F (80.1°C)

Benzene is a colorless, flammable liquid with a sweet odor. It evaporates quickly when exposed to air.

I sure did. Everything we distill gets turned into a gas. Including cannabinoids.

Not everything will recondense in vacuum though which im sure you know

At the temps we distill at (especially under vacuum) benzene will stay a gas

You’d have to try and fuck up your distillation to leave benzene in there especially because it comes out even before the heads

You wouldn’t be distilling it into your target fraction, it would degrade in your target fraction.

Benzene is a potential degradation product of most terpenes and cannabinoids. Have you ever tested for it?

Yes, I’ve had my distillate sold on the rec market and it was free of all pesticides and residual solvents

If benzene boils at 80c with no vacuum, how are you going to get it to recondense in a vacuum when your condenser runs at or above the temp that it condenses at without vacuum?

Your point is invalid

Certain terpenes with enough heat can become benzene, if ppl were making benzene and recondensing it like youre assuming we would have alot more failed test with regular disty as there’s a ton of terpenes in first pass.

Your more likely to make olivetol then benzene from cannabinoids

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My point is only that your lack of rigorous testing for potential carcinogens is unethical and unprofessional.

I can’t handle the way you try to pawn off your experiments as medicine.

Im sorry you feel that way, I can’t handle your lack of scientific knowledge or understanding but you dont hear me complaining about it :wink:

Human trials are scientific data

Here maybe this will help you feel better

If benzene boils at 80c no vacuum ( 100c is the lowest I can go on the Nomograph) then at 14 torr the boiling point of benzene is 0c

This means that at 14 torr room temp is hot enough to keep benzene a gas when distilling (we all know we distill at a much lower vacuum then that too)

And you wonder why no ones having problems with benzene like youre claiming lol

Even if you did make benzene it can’t condense under deep vacuum




Hey bro, homie in the upper right is tying to tell you something


Lmao you’re tripping way too hard on the benzene thing dude, I was using it as an example of a potential degradation product off the top of my head.

You do you man, if you wanna take the risk potentially poisoning people, be my guest. Not gonna catch me on one of those mesothelioma commercials :rofl::rofl:

I honestly hope you’re not poisoning people. Looks bad on the whole industry.

Edit: Everybody used to put talcum powder on their babies, everyone was sure it was fine. Until it wasn’t.


Reading this thread is watching tiger King, just when you think you’ve seen all the shit suddenly there’s people getting accused of selling benzene…
But seriously, what’s in the mystery percentage of that D8 @Kingofthekush420


You like my sense of drama, eh?

Edit: I would like to clarify, I never accused him of selling benzene laden products. Only that he isn’t confirming whether or not some of it’s contents are potentially carcinogenic.

To be honest though this could apply to anyone in the entire industry. I haven’t seen one lab with in house analytics that can identify a genuinely novel compound. So it is always possible anyone distilling anything has produced some new carcinogen. And even if you identified every compound you made it would take years to show if one of them is carcinogenic.


I think there might be something in the air today

I guess we’ll only know after a few years once rnd is done


Possible, yes, especially in a short path
But but but is it 20% by weight unknown?


Its hard as a guy but I track my monthly cycle. Since I climb I have a literal number for my athletic power (climbing grades in a gym). I find that I boulder a full number grade weaker at my low compared to 2 weeks after, at my high. (also about 3-4 letter grades lower on roped climbs) I am also way more pissy and down when I’m at my monthly low.

I try to time my performance days with my monthly high as I find I injure more easily at my low point (the period)


Tough taking anybody who uses the word ‘your’ incorrectly followed by ‘obsolve’ a few words later. Perhaps spending the money on adult education ESOL classes instead of a PI to creep future would have been more fruitful

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