Unfair job in MA, looking for a new gig (licensed, metric, SAP)

I know I have the right to remain silent but often times I don’t have the ability.

If a person feels they are being underpaid… There are three basic choices to make when a person finds themselves in this situation

  1. ask for a raise and be prepared to quit if you don’t get it… the take your ball and your bat and go home stance

  2. ask for a raise and if you don’t get it don’t quit… the I am going to bitch and whine while wallowing in my current situation stance

3.decide that your current employment no longer suites your needs, expertise, or your self-worth and put money together and build/start you own situation where you can pay yourself what you feel you are worth… of course that means taking all of the financial and liability risks of owning and operating your own business

I will now remain silent


We are coming into a time where no one is going to “make enough”. Dosent matter if your a risk taker or a wage jockey.


You gotta have side hustles, my current situation is stable. I mange the lab and haven’t extracted in that facility for a while now, but I have my side gig where I actually extract and post process even pack socks once in a while. Just keep on pushing. What’s funny is I run more material at my side gig then the extractor at my main job.


Been saying this for a while, the problem isn’t the employer willing to pay 15-20+ an hour, the problem is it taking at least that much to survive.

Had a friend of mine run metrics on hourly wage to survive in a major city, we chose south Texas (cheap compared to East/West coast.) 13.50 an hour was minimum to maintain the basics, but any major issues arising, would be highly problematic.

Hard to earn that without an educated/higher earner position.

I know you think my take on shizzs was maybe reducing your experience, it’s tough shit man, there isn’t anything easy about this trade, every bit of it is a task, that is difficult mentally, emotionally, financially, physically, spiritually. If you’re really intuitive you take those experiences and grow, as a person, you become wiser, you discover your worth, you’ll see what you are capable of. But, everything else, is up to you. You took it on, you did it dude, take your lap, there’s more to do, figure out, experience, so get ready to run another.

Also, why it is important that there are communities based around this, there needs to be support. Especially right now, a lot of people eating major shit sandwiches. If you are worrying about this, you’re doing pretty okay-ish my dude.


I’m actually pretty dang pleased with the way everything shook out; I’m at 22/hr now with techs training under me. Doing a lot more post-processing and r&d work with our internal analytics lab. Getting my techs cross-trained on lots of processes so that they hopefully don’t end up with burnout 12 months down the road.


Discourse is integral to group think, don’t be apologetic if you have something to say, it could be invaluable.


I replied with a simple ass question. Then you started name-calling and telling me that I “deserve less”.


Make them regret paying you 17,50 an hour by ruining $500 an hour in extracts

I’d bring in a small bottle of eagle 20 and avid and add drops here and there.

People think we are slaves and don’t realize that as much as they can profit from our slave labor we can also revolt and burn down the plantation if we aren’t treated right.

What do you pay your employees?


Oh yeah, endanger other people because you’re greedy, and have yourself in a predicament, and can’t handle your emotions, and can’t grapple with YOUR situation.


Workers should get paid for work and it should be enough to keep them working and happy and if it isn’t it’s the companies fault for not understanding the labor dynamics in their industry.

I saw almost 500 extraction technician jobs for 12-16 bucks an hour and they have all remained infilled for months or just have a constant ad up due to turnover.

When did cannabis labs become McDonald’s?


How would that endanger anyone? It would fail testing and go on the trash.

Disgruntled employees can yank a whole business and rat on you to the licensing agencies. Companies that pay fast food wages for technical work that can tank them on a wrong turn are asking for disaster

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Working, in this industry is a privilege, some people are in prison for what you are arguing over not getting paid enough to do, show some humility.


Working isn’t a privilege when there hundreds of open and unwanted positions all over the us.

At the end of the day when the weed glamour wears off you are just making widgets in a factory


I have seen what malfeasant owners have done in this industry with bunk runs and processes, never underestimate stupidity and greed.

You better be doing your damned best if you have the opportunity in the space. It is a privilege…

I went to prison for weed and still think sub living wages for lab work with volatile solvents is immoral.


I agree, those jobs will go unfulfilled, volatile gasses and volatile work environments don’t mix. Dipshits will cohort to do immoral things.

Fair wage and pay happen, there will always be those wet behind the ears who need that entry level position. Once more intuitive, the natural progression begins.

Who wants to look like Apollo dabs or worse for 16 bucks an hour when that is what McDonald’s pays in my town?

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Just another floobleyanker in the grand whatchamacallit my dude.

Fair wage and pay do happen in the industry and you are right about entry level.

But experienced guys are making crap wages still and can’t get a raise or promotion