True Terpenes

Add another to the list: Extreme paranoia

I said the word “shenanigans“ a highly uncommon word for must uneducated people.

That must mean I work for true terpenes… This guy! Lol

I just posted 3 times. What does it all mean?? Lmao

I mean it’s pretty evident at this point.

I do feel like EN comes off as letting his emotions overcome logic on his posts some times but this is the nail in the coffin for me…

True terpenes changed their fucking “no shenanigans” word play “terpenes only” selling point and have indeed dabbled in some “word play” shenanigans…


Wow, this is really going off the rails. Let me start off by saying hello and thank you for having me here in this amazing forum. I am sorry if my post contributed to setting off a chain of events. That was unintended. Hopefully this post can be accepted as one from someone with a voice of reason.

I had no idea that ChemistExperts had just joined & now realize that that makes me look foolish, but I assure you that I am not a shill or troll etc and that I just impulsively joined and responded to someone/anyone trying to call out the extractnijna (and his/her other monikers found all over the internet) after realizing that extractnijna (and his/her other monikers found all over the internet) posts (found all over the internet) seemed to be obsessed and have some type of a vendetta &/or hidden agenda that was causing static every where I looked while doing research, especially after seeing Grey Wolf call out extractnijna (and his/her other monikers found all over the internet) out on ical and just wanted to voice my opinion on how I have seen extractnijna (and his/her other monikers found all over the internet) slandering this company (all over the internet) before a conclusion has been determined.

I have no allegiance, alliance or even preference for True Terpenes. I am just an ordinary average guy trying to catch up with how much this scene has changed while trying to find the best way for me to partake in the healthiest way for what ails me. Long story short; As I was learning and growing, I went from another liquidizer to TT Viscosity for my concentrates (I prefer rosin) and stumbled upon extractnijna (and his/her other monikers found all over the internet) posts (found all over the internet).

I believe at the time, I was looking into the upcoming “SerVm” by another company to see how that compared & had just watched this video & was impressed by what TT was putting out there;

h t t p s : / / w w w . y o u t u b e . c o m / w a t c h ? v = t M M 7 _ e w j 5 x c

(Forest for the Trees sits down with Ethan Russo)

It’s an open forum let’s smell it. :rofl::rofl::rofl:


You truly have no life! Coming at everyone sideways and expecting everyone to bend to your demands.

Lay off the weed man!

Why are you so hung up on TT?
Why don’t you test floraplex?

Just going to take their word that coa’s aren’t doctored and ingredients stated aren’t lies?

I think since floraplex is half the price of TT, that would be reason enough for you to test it.

I find it very suspect that you are only interested in what TT is doing. You come off as super biased. Their whole claim to fame is half price Terpenes. Ever wonder why? Or just happy to pay less without questioning the info they provide and not test to see if it’s true???

If this was about caring and helping people, why not get 10 people to all pitch in and test every companies “viscosity” and see what you come up with?

You keep testing the same product over and over again. Why not test it alongside another flavorless/odorless cutter and see what those results are? Maybe that would help.

But nooooooo its all about TT for you! Highly suspect… If I missed something and you have already tested floraplex. I apologize for not already knowing that, if you haven’t, I think that speaks volumes of what your true agenda here is and why you keep up the SHENANIGANS!

Do you really think Floraplex can make a diluent made strictly from Terpenes for “half the price” but True Terpenes doesn’t have the knowledge and resources to make a diluent strictly made from terpenes? Haha

I am willing to bet my left and right but that not only are you nuts, you don’t use common sense. If FP is half the price, still profiting being half the price, TT needs to use mineral oil to make a profit and they are almost double the price?

That’s odd!

because Floraplex isn’t saying things like

No shenanigans, wordplay, marketing gimmicks, or Tom-foolery. Seriously, we only use terpenes.

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your deflection is unsuccessful :laughing:


Tom is that really your argument? Wow

wow 7 posts in 2 minutes if ExtractNinja is obsessed with TT than you must be too, control yourself and breathe

Also someone already did independently test Floraplex

other tests and info by floraplex can be found here:


Which lab did these tests?
Was it the same Lab who tested TT?

I would like to see more details than a snapshot. Where’s the name of the lab and sample being tested?

I am not sure which lab you would have to ask the person who tested it who btw is a respected regular of the forum

Also there have been 3 or 4 labs that have tested True Terpenes Viscosity for terpenes so far heres a summary


Why would the lab wish to remain anonymous? That makes no sense whatsoever. If you pay a lab to test something, the results are yours to do as you wish.

That’s very suspect.

I will be calling Dr. Pappas to get more details of his findings.

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I know Robert very well actually and look forward to speaking with him.

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I personally had floraplexs terpene lab tested.

Thank you very much

I had their dilutent yested

You sir are a TROLL!


One day and 27 posts + DM’s of just b!tching and moaning about what the next man wants to do with his life. Really, where TF do they do that at? I think you forgot the word SUPER before TROLL. :rofl::rofl::rofl: