True Terpenes, New thread

Yeah these latest test results made me wonder about something like motor oil

With what can be done with the necessary resources there is no telling what they cooked up.

I must been one the lucky ones who actually got terpenes on their debute apparently. As my bottle has no lot # or expiration date on it(still not using it)

Unlike the ppl w lot # expiration date and mineral oil ouch shisty

Like this?


Is mineral oil a heavy hydrocarbon?

If not can you give me an example of one?

The same lab that tested the floraplex stuff wont touch the TT stuff???

What did they say exactly???
Sorry if i missed a post Ive been in the hills of oregon on a consult with no internet or cell phone reception

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The owner came out and told me he refuses to test any true terpene dilutent. He tested a sample a month ago from someone else and spend a week cleaning his gs machine with methanol. Apparently the TT dilutent mess their machine up badly.


DAM, thats saying something


Wait, shouldnā€™t they just be able to dilute it more and re-run the samples? If theyā€™re gunking the gc that much, they could dilute and run less through at onceā€¦that way they donā€™t clog the machine but still can analyze the compounds?

It appears to be a complex mixture, so diluting it down to the point where it wonā€™t gum the column will make it hard to identify the components. Also would require precise serial dilutions in analytical glassware which would then be gummed up with the crap diluent. Not worth their time, since their column isnā€™t the right tool for the job


Mineral oil is a mixture of heavy hydrocarbons. The exact components vary


In my analytical lab experience, you run at various dilutions and parse out the pieces you can at different resolutions. You donā€™t need to quantify all on one graph.


Found the secret ingredient


This guy is awesome
someone takes the oil from the bible and sell it as diluent, would it work wothout belliving in it? :slight_smile:
This must be Satan counterfeiting diluent miracle :slight_smile:

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Everyone, hello buy my product. We are new best company for cannabis industry liquid.
We are Crow Turpenes. Our best a selling liquid is Wiscosity. Cannabis extracts today are too extracty. Bring that shit down a notch.

This product says 16 oz but its a more like a gallon. Actually thereā€™s 2 gallon in this particular 1 gallon container. This is because of the incredible density of Wiscosity.

This still has the original factory tamper proof seal. (Not pictured)

And ya only have to buy one barrel, because when it gets down to half way, ya can just top it off with whatever bullshit ya got layin around and it will be ok.

We sprayed a rabbit in the face with Wiscosity and he was cool.

But anywaysā€¦ $6004 plus shipping.


Iā€™m sure thereā€™s a reason for some folks , but Iā€™ve never used a liquifier and never plan to. It changes everything about the beautiful essence of distillate.

Iā€™m not a chem eng, just my experience making thousands and thousands of carts.


Let me guess: the rabbit was just saying: ā€œI knew I shoulda takinā€™ that left turn at Albuquerque.ā€ when you sprayed him? :rofl:


ā€œBe vewy quiet, iā€™m spwaying wabbits wif Wiscosity.ā€

But for real, that was taken from the MSDS of the TT liqufier. Under the toxicology section. They really did spray a rabbit in the face. :droplet::rabbit:


Thatā€™s for good luck. :100:


read after this:
and the post has the link to the rev 1.0