Montel talks with Cooper Andrews on this episode of Let’s Be Blunt. Cooper is best known for his starring role on the long running series The Walking Dead. His character on the show, “Jerry” brings some much needed comic relief to the zombie apocalypse series. When’s he’s not on set, you’re likely to find him at a fan convention passing out his favorite cobbler. He personally came on board the cannabis bandwagon in 2017, and is now an outspoken advocate for its many benefits.
@Montel this forum needs to know if that’s really you. We’re your people.
@montel your Oregon products need a major overhaul my bro bro
I’d say intern, or else they would interact?
His social media team…
Yes , I’m all about educating everyone about cannabis.
I hope it’s ok I post here
Post a picture of you holding up 4 fingers on one hand and 2 on the other so we know it’s real
I think it’s great.
Fan girl status! Montel, we are your tribe. There are people here formulating for patients. Bring us your needs and let us help!
All you’ve been doing is advocating and helping so as far as we’re concerned - same team! Thanks for raising awareness, it makes all our lives better
wholly shit it’s really Montel Williams. Exciting! a bit star struck. Love your new business venture. I’m going to listen to your podcasts on my drive shortly. Bring us together Motel! We are disconnected in a time of unbound interactivity. I think cannabis is the right medium to connect to humans, especially post COVID/internet age.
Douglas Adams (in 1999):
The reason we suddenly need such a word [as “interactivity”] is that during this century we have for the first time been dominated by non-interactive forms of entertainment: cinema, radio, recorded music and television. Before they came along all entertainment was interactive: theatre, music, sport—the performers and audience were there together, and even a respectfully silent audience exerted a powerful shaping presence on the unfolding of whatever drama they were there for. We didn’t need a special word for interactivity in the same way that we don’t (yet) need a special word for people with only one head.
I’m going to listen!
The wife and I met Cooper a few times through his convention group ZSC Entertainment (among others like Michael Rooker, IronE Singleton, etc.) I met Juliette Terzief (the owner) when she first started ZSC. Provided meds to a few of their clients over the years when they popped into the Detroit, Chicago, and Columbus areas.
Cooper…He’s a good dude. Always willing to help someone.
Where are the milfs in the weed??
I’m waiting…
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