The Turbo R300 Model is a single column race horse that can outperform all of the competition! Featuring the #latest and #greatest tech within the #industry!
On demand #thermal #control at the tip of your #fingers! -50c to +50c transition in only #minutes! All zones are #independently controlled, some may be #hot while others are #cold. #onlyTENamps
Complete with CRC, Pharmaceutical Grade Filtration, Multiple Thermal Control / Crystallization Columns, GD1 Evaporator, and Compressors! This is a turn-key system primed to make every product on the market!
Utilizes multiple U.S. Patent Pending technologies developed in house and rivaled by none!
Compression fitting upgrade is available on request.
Contact for more information!
I’m just part of the peanut gallery, but…
Imo this should be standard for system of this tier.
You can’t charge a crazy upgrade fee if you offer those as standard!
The expense with switching to compression comes with the valves and not so much the fittings. They are 2-3x the cost as our standard NPT valves and add substantial cost considering the number of valves on the system. The up-charge; however, is minimal for the changeover.
Our latest design The Manticore, a 4 column version of the Turbo Unit, comes standard as compression.
I just want to know how they got that overhead mixer on their collection. Magnetic coupling?
I think that’s the hydrocarbon wiped film that’s on their website
Maybe I’m off, either way…cool shit
We are the first & only company to make a rotary system rated for propane in the industry. That was definitely one heck of a challenge. Our GD1 is a wiped/rolled film evaporator rated for 350psi.
50 State PSI Certified.
Ya no doubt, id love to see one run.
Both the GD1 and 100L Rotary Basin are pretty fun to operate…
If you are around Fort Collins Colorado hit us up and come see the Behemoth in person!
You do on site tours? Can we see the machine running?
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We currently have a Behemoth setup at our shop for show; however, live demos for serious clients may also be possible at another facility here local.
I’m interested in the wiped film and the chiller unit. But would like it on my machine
What is your current thru put in a 8 hr shift, how many people to operate?
How many lbs of biomass in the system at one time?
The wiped film we have released as a stand-alone unit and is available on our website. The thermal control system however is currently dedicated to our extraction systems for the initial rollout but on the near horizon is a stand-alone unit for other systems.
With our Behemoth we typically see 100 lbs per hour extraction rate. The Manticore is right about 50lbs per hour, and The Turbo Unit is pretty close to 25lbs per hour at a 10:1 ratio. Our smallest unit the E4k only does close to 30-50lbs per day and is only advised for very small startups.
A 6x48 column can hold anywhere between 7lbs (not packed at all) to 15 lbs (packed tight) with an average of 12lbs. The Turbo is a single column, The Manticore has 4 columns, and The Behemoth has 10 columns.
The Behemoth we prefer 3 people on the machine + 2 packing socks.
The Manticore is just under half a Behemoth and should have 2 people running the machine and one packing socks.
The Turbo as a single column unit should be able to have 1 person running the machine and 1 person packing socks without much holdup.
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What’s the ticket on the behemoth?
Also a price for delivery, installation and training in California, as well as taking care of the on-site compliance review
Havent been to fort collins in about 15 yrs, it was the yr coors dumped all that water at there plant. Working on not being as busy and officially retiring so i can go back to just traveling
If anyone has any questions, feel free to hit us up by email: or via our shop @ 970-893-2763 anytime between 9-5 MST.
Did I miss how much this thing costs?
Which thing you ask?.. Any of them…