The hemp-tards are really reaching around lately

No, acetylation only add to the problem.


Most successful small molecule pharmaceuticals come in 1-10 mg daily dosage.


Would cbd p maybe take less? Or does tail length not impact cbds effects like it does thc?

All the reports of CBD P Iā€™ve seen have been extremely positive with people claiming 24hr pain relief. Its definitely what Iā€™m more interested in then all the bunk d9thcp and d8thcp.


One of the Italian papers mention something about no significant improvement ā€¦

Maybe they did binding data and didnā€™t report.

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Didnā€™t realize you had a bit street stuff.
Good show

So the threadā€¦in my opinijj on n if someone thought this was legit and made some compliant d9 gummiesā€¦.and someone decided to test em and shitā€¦
I really do not believe that any law was broken, nor intent to break any law. No mens rea (guilty mind).
And that, even if something was, oooops, hot, then I believe it is an accident, and any punishment would be civil, like their ability to continue making cbd shit

None of the stores that Iā€™ve heard of getting knocked off with hot d8 or cbd, itā€™s not criminal penalties, that Iā€™ve heard of

Georgia is the only state Iā€™m aware of where the penalties seem to be sticking, thereā€™s a felony in NC too for a shop owner. Doesnā€™t really look like Texas is gonna prosecute any shopowners, hard to say if they wonā€™t make them testify against suppliers for leniency though

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Rumor has it TN will be coming g forward with updated legislation mid February


As in? Regarding D8 and or D9?

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Delta 8


they gonna still let the THCa stuff go on? Canā€™t imagine the feds are happy watching snapdragon and co mail weed out and call it hemp


I think they are just collecting the evidence. I think they wanna put some of the players under the jail.


Rumors are the TBI seized a substantial amount of cash from one company but has yet to press any charges



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Nobody has confirmed that yet

I doubt they are biting there nails like you are lol

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all you gotta do is ask. Looks like TN requires residents to make records requests, at least the TBI

Tennessee is converting to Total THC January 1st